List of political parties in Serbia
This article lists political parties in Serbia, including former parties that existed in the Kingdom of Serbia between the early 1860s and 1918.
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This article is part of a series on the politics and government of Serbia |
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The Kingdom of Serbia operated under the multi-party system until 1918 when it became Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. After World War II, Serbia was reorganized into a one-party socialist republic. After the re-establishment of the multi-party system in 1990, new parties were established such as the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS; direct successor of the League of Communists of Serbia), Democratic Party (DS), Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO), Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Civic Alliance of Serbia (GSS) and others. Serbia was de-facto a dominant-party state between 1990 and 2000, during the rule of Slobodan Milošević and his Socialist Party of Serbia. In the year 2000, Milošević and his party were overthrown which led to the disestablishment of the dominant-party system in Serbia. Between 2000 and 2012, Serbia was ruled by the Democratic Party which ruled the country in a democratic way. After the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) gained power in 2012, Serbia began to shift back to authoritarianism. Since 2014, Serbia has been de-facto a dominant-party state, and since 2020 the ruling party and its government partners (including SPS, Serbian Patriotic Alliance (SPAS) and the two minority parties) hold almost every seat in the parliament, while the opposition currently has only 7 seats out of 250.
During the entirety of the 1990s, Serbia's opposition which was composed of centrist, liberal and right-wing parties (DS, SPO, GSS, Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and others) clashed with the ruling nationalist parties, the left-wing SPS, and the far-right SRS. The Serbian Radical Party went into the opposition a couple of times during this period but even then they were described as a satellite party of the ruling SPS. After the fall of Milošević in 2000, the opposition gained a lot of popularity while the ruling SPS went into decline until 2008, while their former coalition partner, SRS, managed to stabilize its position in Serbian politics. In the 2000s, Serbia also experienced new liberal and social democratic parties (Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), Social Democratic Party (SDP), Social Democratic Union (SDU) and others) and also new right-wing parties and organizations managed to get on the scene. Since then, new parties, organizations and civic parties have been registered but in reality, none of those parties have the chance of getting power because of Aleksandar Vučić's ruling SNS.
Current parties
Political parties currently represented in the National Assembly
Political parties outside the parliament
Minority parties not represented in the parliament
- Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina ( Демократски савез Хрвата у Војводини / Demokratski savez Hrvata u Vojvodini, ДСХВ/DSHV) – ethnic Croat centrist minority interests party currently led by Tomislav Žigmanov.
- Roma Party (Romska partija, RP) – Romani people minority interests party, currently led by Srđan Šajn
- Roma Union of Serbia (Unija Roma Srboje, URS) – Romani people minority interests and social liberal party
- Democratic Community of Vojvodina Hungarians (Vajdasági Magyarok Demokratikus Közössége/Demokratska zajednica vojvođanskih Mađara, VMDK) – ethnic Hungarian minority interests regionalist and conservative party
- Democratic Party of Macedonians (Демократска партија на македонци / Демократска партија Македонаца, DPM), socially liberal minority interests party of Macedonians in Serbia, currently led by Nenad Krsteski.
- Vlach People's Party ( Влашка народна странка / Vlaška narodna stranka / Partia Neamului Rumânesc, ВНП/VNP) – ethnic Vlach socially liberal minority interests party currently led by Predrag Balašević
- Montenegrin Party ( Црногорска партија / Crnogorska partija, ЦП/CP) – ethnic Montenegrin minority interests national-conservative party currently led by Nenad Stevović.
- Slovaks Forward (Словаци напред / Slováci vpred) – ethnic Slovak minority political party currently led by Pavel Surovi.
Dissolved political parties in Serbia (1990 - present )
- Union of Reform Forces (Savez Reformskih Snaga, SRS) – centre-left social democratic and anti-nationalist party
- Association for the Yugoslav Democratic Initiative (Udruženje za jugoslovensku demokratsku inicijativu, UJDI) – centre-left social liberal, yugoslavist and anti-nationalist party
- League of Communists – Movement for Yugoslavia (Savez komunista - Pokret za Jugoslaviju, SK-PJ) – communist and yugoslavist party, formed by Yugoslav Army faction of League of Communists of Yugoslavia
- Civic Alliance of Serbia ( Грађански савез Србије / Građanski savez Srbije, ГСС/GSS) – centrist, liberal and anti-nationalist that was led by Vesna Pešić, Goran Svilanović and Nataša Mićić.
- New Democracy / Liberals of Serbia (Nova Demokratija, ND/ Liberali Srbije, LS) – centre to centre-left liberal and pro-european party, led by Dušan Mihajlović
- Serbian Liberal Party (Srpska liberalna stranka, SLS) – right-wing nationalist, monarchist and conservative liberal party
- Yugoslav Left ( Југословенска левица / Jugoslovenska levica ) – left-wing democratic socialist, yugoslavist and left-wing nationalist party that was led by Mirjana Marković.
- Social Democratic Party ( Социјалдемократска партија / Socijaldemokratska partija, СДП/SDP) – centre-left social-democratic party that was led by Nebojša Čović.
- Democratic Alternative (Demokratska alternativa, DA) – centre-left social democratic and democratic socialist party
- Democratic Centre (Demokratski centar, DC) – centre to centre-left social liberal and pro-european party
- Social Democracy (Socijaldemokratija, SD) – centre-left social democratic and pro-european party
- Social Democratic Union (Socijaldemokratska unija, SDU) – centre-left social democratic and pro-european party
- Christian Democratic Party of Serbia ( Демохришћанска партија Србије / Demohrišćanska partija Srbije, ДХСС/DHSS) – centre to centre-right christian democratic party that was founded by Vladan Batić.
- G17 Plus ( Г17 плус, Г17+/G17+) – centre to centre-right liberal conservative and economic liberal party that was led by Miroljub Labus and Mlađan Dinkić.
- Otpor ( Отпор ) – centrist, liberal democratic and atlanticist party that was led by Srđa Popović.
- Party of Serbian Unity ( Странка српског јединства / Stranka srpskog jedinstva ) – right-wing to far-right ultranationalist party that was led by Arkan and Borislav Pelević.
- United Regions of Serbia ( Уједињени региони Србије / Ujedinjeni regioni Srbije ) – regionalist liberal-conservative party that was led by Mlađan Dinkić.
Historical parties in Serbia (1861 - 1918)
- Conservative Party ( Конзервативна странка / Konzervativna stranka ) – right-wing national-conservative party led by Ilija Garašanin and Nikola Hristić.
- Liberal Party ( Либерална странка / Liberalna stranka ) – centre to centre-right national liberal and russophilic party led by Jovan Ristić and Jovan Avakumović.
- Serbian Progressive Party ( Српска напредна странка / Srpska napredna stranka ) – liberal conservative and nationalist party led by Čedomilj Mijatović, Milan Piroćanac and Milutin Garašanin.
- People's Radical Party ( Народна радикална странка / Narodna radikalna stranka ) – centre-right to right-wing nationalist, yugoslavist and conservative-liberal party led by Sava Grujić, Nikola Pašić, Stojan Protić and Aca Stanojević.
- Independent Radical Party (Samostalna radikalna stanka) – centre to centre-right liberal party, led by Ljubomir Davidović
- Serbian Social Democratic Party ( Српска социјалдемократска партија / Srpska socijaldemokratska partija ) – left-wing social-democratic party led by Dragiša Lapčević, Dimitrije Tucović and Dušan A. Popović.
See also
- List of political parties in Yugoslavia – contains a list of political parties in the period of Kingdom (1918-1941) and then Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1945-1991)