Road signs in the United States
In the United States, road signs are, for the most part, standardized by federal regulations, most notably in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and its companion volume the Standard Highway Signs (SHS).

There are no plans for adopting the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals standards. The 1971 MUTCD adopted several Vienna Convention-inspired symbol signs with the express intent to transition to symbols in lieu of words as "rapidly" as possible,[1][2][3] but American drivers were baffled by symbol signs.[4][5] The language about "rapidly" transitioning to symbols quietly disappeared in the 1978 MUTCD.[6] The result was to effectively freeze in place several measures which had been intended to be temporary until American drivers could learn the relevant symbols' meanings. For example, the "Do Not Enter" word message is not found on the Vienna Convention's equivalent sign. Two symbol signs were eliminated, respectively, in the 2000 and 2003 MUTCDs (thereby requiring use of the previous word message signs): Pavement Ends and Narrow Bridge.[7]
Twenty-three states along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico use the manual without any alterations, 20 states have adopted it in conjunction with a supplemental volume, and seven states have a state version in substantial conformance to the MUTCD.[8] Similarly to general traffic codes in the United States, there are also localized versions that are used in large cities such as New York City which use a naming system compatible with the MUTCD and/or state supplement. The MUTCD and SHS establish seven general categories of signs for road and highway use[9] (all signs from national MUTCD, unless noted).
Regulatory signs give instructions to motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Signs such as stop, no parking, no turns, and yield are considered regulatory signs. Some have special shapes, such as the octagon for the stop sign and the crossbuck for railroad crossings. Some signs can be localized, such as no parking, and some are found only in state and local jurisdictions as they are based on state or local laws, such as New York City's "Don't Block the Box" signs. These signs are in the R series of signs in the MUTCD and typically in the R series in most state supplements or state MUTCDs.
R1 Series: Stop and Yield
The MUTCD's R1 series is for stop and yield. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The 4-WAY and 3-WAY plaques (R1-3) were deprecated in the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD in favor of the ALL WAY plaque (R1-3P).
- Stop and Yield
- R1-1: Stop
- R1-2: Yield
- R1-2aP: To Oncoming Traffic (plaque)
- R1-2bTP: To Ramp (Texas)[10]
- R1-2cTP: To Train (Texas)
- R1-3P: All Way (Plaque)
- R1-5: Yield Here to Peds
- R1-5a: Yield Here to Pedestrians
- R1-5b: Stop Here for Peds
- R1-5c: Stop Here for Pedestrians
- R1-6: In-Street Ped Crossing
- R1-6a: In-Street Ped Crossing
- R1-7:Wait On Stop
- R1-8: Go On Slow
- R1-9: Overhead Ped Crossing
- R1-9a: Overhead Ped Crossing
- R1-10P: Except Right Turn
R2 Series: Speed Limit
The MUTCD's R2 series is for speed limit signs. Some state supplements and state MUTCDs place various speed limit signs in other series. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. Speed limits in the United States are always in miles per hour. Metric speed limit signs in kilometers per hour are authorized but extremely rare, usually seen near the borders with Canada and Mexico, both of which use the metric system.[11] Many states, however, disallow the use of metric signs on state-maintained roads due to MUTCD restrictions,[12] increasing the rarity of such signs.
- Speed Limit Signs
- R2-1: Speed Limit
- R2-1: Speed Limit (Metric)
- R2-2P: Truck Speed Limit (Plaque)
- R2-2P: Truck Speed Limit (Plaque) (Metric)
- R2-3P: Night Speed Limit (Plaque)
- R2-3P: Night Speed Limit (Plaque) (Metric)
- R2-4P: Minimum Speed Limit (Plaque)
- R2-4P: Minimum Speed Limit (Plaque) (Metric)
- R2-4a: Combined Speed Limit
- R2-5P: Unless Otherwise Posted (plaque)
- State speed limit: New York (can also read "area", "city", "town", or "village")
- Speed (Oregon variant)
- End speed limit: New York
- Bridge speed limit: Minnesota
- $XX Fine
- Begin higher/double fines
- End double/higher fines
R3 Series: Lane Usage and Turns
The MUTCD's R3 series of signs is for lane usage and turn signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Lane Usage and Turns Signs
- No Right Turn
- No Left Turn
- No Turns
- No U-turn
- Left turn only
- Right turn only
- Straight ahead only
- Left Lane
- Center Lane
- Right Lane
- Bus Lane
- Option sign for Left turn or Straight
- Option sign for Right turn or Straight
- Left lane MUST turn left
- Right lane MUST turn right sign
- Advanced Intersection control sign
- Turn only lanes
- Advanced Intersection Lane control sign
- Concurrent (Center) Left Turn Lane (overhead)
- Concurrent (Center) Left Turn Lane (ground)
- Reversible Lane control
- Center lane control (Time)
- HOV 2+ only 2 or more persons per vehicle
- HOV 2+ only (Time)
- HOV 2+ Time (LEFT LANE)
- 24HR HOV 2+
- HOV Lane ends
- HOV (Overhead)
- Overhead
- Overhead
- Overhead
- Bike lane
- No Left or U-turn
- No straight through
- No Left Turn Across Tracks
- No U-turn - left turn on green arrow, California
- Bike lane, bikes only, New York City
R4 Series: Regulation of Movement
The MUTCD's R4 series of signs is for the regulation of movement signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Regulation of Movement Signs
- Passing zone ends
- Passing zone begins
- Left turn signal
- Slower traffic keep right
- Begin right turn lane yield to bikes
- Trucks use right Lane
- Truck lane 500 Feet
- Keep right
- Keep right
- Keep right
- Keep right (median island less than 4 feet wide)
- Keep left
- Keep left
- Keep left
- Keep left (median island less than 4 feet wide)
- Stay in lane
- Runaway vehicles only
- Cyclists may use full lane
- Slow vehicles with 5 or more following vehicles must use turn-out
- California
- Delaware
- Delaware
- Delaware
- Indiana
R5 Series: Exclusionary
The MUTCD's R5 series of signs is for exclusionary signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The most common of these signs is the do not enter sign.
- Exclusionary Signs
- Do Not Enter (since 1968)
- No Entre, Puerto Rico
- Wrong Way
- Bicycle Wrong Way
- Bike Path, No Automobiles, New York City
- No Large Trucks
- No Motorized Vehicles
- No Commercial Vehicles
- No Lugged Vehicles
- No Bicycles
- No Nonmotorized Traffic
- No Motorcycles
- No Pedestrian Crossing, Bicycles, or Motorcycles
- No Pedestrians or Bicycles
- No Pedestrians
- No Unauthorized Vehicles
R6 Series: One Way and Divided Highway
The MUTCD's R6 series of signs is for one way and divided highway signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The most common of these signs is the one way sign.
- One Way and Divided Highway
- One Way
- Transito (one way), Puerto Rico
- One Way, alternate
- Divided Highway crossing
- Divided Highway crossing T intersection
- Chevron roundabout directional
R7 Series: Parking
The MUTCD allows for three types of parking signs, permissive, no parking, and no standing. However, in most states, there is an additional more restrictive one, no stopping. These signs are found in the R7 series of signs in the MUTCD. As all situations are not covered, several states and local governments have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
Permissive Parking
These types of signs allow for parking for either an unlimited or varied amount of time. These types are often used in conjunction with parking meters and parking permits. These signs are specified by the MUTCD to be green on white. Local variations do occur with additional information and slightly different designs.
- Permissive Parking
- Parking with time restrictions
- Parking with time restrictions, California
- Parking with time restrictions, New York City
- Parking with time and permit restrictions, Seattle
- Parking with time and permit restrictions, San Francisco
- 2 hour parking all roads Town of Hempstead, New York State
- Parking with time restrictions, Maryland
- Parking fee station
- Reserved parking (wheelchair)
- (Combined)
No Parking
No parking signs indicate that loading or unloading there while temporarily stopped is permitted, but the driver must not leave the vicinity of the vehicle.[13] Some no parking signs display time restrictions, while others are permanent restrictions. There are also temporary versions of the signs, often of similar design to the permanent ones. These signs are specified by the MUTCD to be red on white, although local variations do occur.
- No Parking
- No parking
- No parking; Loading zone
- No Parking; Except Sundays
- No parking, California
- No parking, New York
- No parking, Pennsylvania, Texas
- No parking with restrictions and localized, New York City
- Don't even think of parking here, New York City
- No parking tow zone, Chicago
- No Parking in fire lane
- No parking bus stop
- Tow Away Zone
- No parking from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
- No parking from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (alternative)
No Standing
No standing signs indicate that stopping temporarily to load or unload passengers is allowed, but vehicles cannot be stopped at the location for longer periods of time, even if the driver remains with the vehicle.[13] As with no parking signs, some restrictions displayed on the signs are permanent and some are time based. The signs are also specified by the MUTCD to be red on white, but local variations exist.
- No Standing
- No standing any time
- No standing any time, New York State
- No standing any time, New York City
- No standing cars towed away, Baltimore
- No standing bus stop, Philadelphia
- No standing, bus stop with bus route, New York City
- No standing with time restrictions, Washington, D.C.
- No standing with time restrictions, New York City
No Stopping
No stopping signs indicate that stopping is only allowed in order to obey a traffic sign, signal, traffic agent, police officer, or to avoid conflicts with other vehicles.[13] These are the most restrictive of the parking signs. They are typically red on white.
- No Stopping
- No stopping on pavement
- No stopping any time, New York State
- No stopping any time, New York City
- No stopping any time, Philadelphia
- No stopping any time, California
- No stopping anytime tow away, San Francisco
- No stops tow away zone, Seattle
- No stopping with time restrictions, New York State
- No standing except delivery trucks time restricted, New York City
R8 Series: Parking and Emergency Restrictions
The MUTCD's R8 series of signs is for parking restriction and emergency restriction signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Parking and Emergency Restrictions
- No parking on pavement
- No parking
- Exception of Sundays and holidays
- On tracks plaque
- Except on shoulder plaque
- Loading zone
- Stop here on red
- Stop here when flashing
R9 Series: Bicycles and Pedestrians
The MUTCD's R9 series of signs is for bicycle and pedestrian signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Signs
- Walk on left facing traffic
- Cross only at cross walks
- No pedestrian crossing
- No rollerblading
- No hitch hiking
- Crosswalk signal instructions
- Bicycles left pedestrians right
- State law stop for stopped school bus, New York
- Sidewalk Closed Use Other Side
- No horseback riding
R10 Series: Traffic Signal
The MUTCD's R10 series of signs is for traffic signal related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Traffic Signal Signs
- Turning vehicles yield to pedestrians
- Left turn yield on green
- Traffic signal photo enforced, California, Louisiana, Texas, Florida
- Red light photo violation fine sign, California
- Emergency signal
- Stop here on red, Pennsylvania, Florida
- No turn on red arrow, Maryland
- Bicycles to request green wait on line
- Left turn yield on flashing yellow arrow, version 1
- Left turn yield on flashing arrow, version 2
R11 Series: Road Closed
The MUTCD's R11 series of signs is for road closure related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Road Closed Signs
- Road Closed
- Road Closed Ahead
- Bridge Out Ahead
R12 Series: Weight Limits
The MUTCD's R12 series of signs is for weight limit related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Weight Limits Signs
- Weight Limit
- Axle Weight Limit
- Truck Weight Limit
- Weight Limit with per axle and gross
- Weight Limit with truck symbols
R13 Series: Weigh Stations
The MUTCD's R13 series of signs is for weigh station related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Weigh station sign
- Weigh station next right sign
- Weigh station sign with right exit arrow
R14 Series: Truck Routes
The MUTCD's R14 series of signs is for Truck route related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Truck Route sign
- Hazardous Material Route
- Hazardous Material Prohibited
- National Network Route
- National Network Prohibited
R15 Series: Rail and Light Rail
The MUTCD's R15 series of signs is for rail and light rail related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Rail and Light Rail Signs
- Railroad crossing (crossbuck)
- Three tracks
- This railroad stop is exempt from the horn blowing
- Light rail only in right lane
- Light rail only in left lane
- Light rail only in center lane
- Do not pass stopped trains
- Do not drive on tracks
- Divided highway transit rail crossing
- Look both ways at track
R16 Series: Seat Belts and Headlight Use
The MUTCD's R16 series of signs is for seat belt and headlight use related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Seat Belts and Headlight Use Signs
- Wear seat belt
- Lights on when raining
- Check headlights
- Turn on headlights
- Fender bender
Other Local and State Series
The MUTCD does not cover all situations, so states and local governments have developed their own regulatory signs. In these, the sign categories are assigned series either using the MUTCD style, but higher than 16 (as done in Texas), or use a unique series nomenclature system (as done in California).
- Other Local and State Series Signs
- Obey warning signs state law, Texas
- Don't block the box, New York City
- Speed enforced by aircraft sign, California, New Hampshire, Virginia
The S series of signs is specially designated by the MUTCD for use around schools. Some states have additional school warning related signs in the S series, as well as in the W series of warning signs and/or the R series of regulatory signs of the state supplement or state MUTCD. The MUTCD as of 2009 requires school warning signs to have fluorescent yellow-green background color.[14]
- Schools
- School (also used for pedestrian crosswalk near schools) since 1998
- Stop when children in crosswalk (Arizona)
- Time of Day (plaque)
- When Children are present (plaque)
- School (plaque)
- When Flashing (plaque)
- School speed limit ahead
- School Speed zone ahead (word legend)
- School zone speed limit sign, Arizona
- Day(s) of the week (plaque)
- All year (plaque)
- School speed limit when flashing
- End school zone (usually under an R2 speed limit sign)
- School bus stop ahead (since 2009)
- School bus turn ahead
- School bus turn ahead sign, Ohio
Warning signs are found in the W series of the national MUTCD. They highlight existing conditions, such as a curve, school, dead end street, or traffic signal. They can also warn possible danger such as bumps, bicycles, low flying aircraft, or emergency vehicles. These signs are either yellow or fluorescent yellow in color and, with the exception of a few signs, are usually diamond shaped and sometimes have square or rectangular smaller signs or plaques associated with them. Most W series signs can also be found with orange backgrounds for temporary use in situations such as construction zones. Some of the temporary use signs are only for use in temporary situations.
W1/2 Series: Turns, Curves, Intersections
The MUTCD's W1/2 series of signs is for warning signs relating to curves, turns and intersections. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Curves and Turns
- Sharp Turn
- Curve
- Reverse turn
- Reverse curve
- Winding road
- One direction large arrow
- Two direction large arrow
- Chevron alignment
- Horizontal alignment/intersection
- Hairpin curve
- Truck rollover warning
- 270 degree loop
- Intersections
- Cross roads
- Side road at a perpendicular angle
- Side road at an acute angle
- T roads
- Y roads
- Offset roads
- Double side roads
- Circular intersection warning (traffic circle or roundabout)
- Traffic circle, alternate
W3 Series: Advance Traffic Control
The MUTCD's W3 series of signs is for warning signs relating to advance traffic controls such as speed limits and signals. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The MUTCD provides options for graphic and text signs.
- Advance Traffic Control
- Stop ahead (since 1978)
- Yield ahead (since 1978)
- Speed limit ahead
- Signal ahead (since 1971)
- HAWK beacon ahead, Delaware.
- New signal ahead, Michigan
- Be prepared to stop
- Speed zone ahead
- Draw bridge ahead
- Ramp meter ahead
- Ramp metered when flashing
W4 Series: Lanes and Merges
The MUTCD's W4 series of signs is for warning signs relating to lane merges and added lanes, as well as lane endings. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Lanes and Merges
- Merge
- Lane ends
- Lane drop ahead, Massachusetts
- Added lane (via merge)
- Oncoming traffic does not stop (plaque)
- cross traffic does not stop (plaque)
- Merging traffic
- Added lane (from entering roadway)
- Thru traffic merge left, California
- One lane road or road narrows, New York State
- Single lane, New York State
W5 Series: Road Width Restrictions
The MUTCD's W5 series of signs is for warning signs relating to road width restrictions. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The MUTCD provides options for graphic and text signs.
- Road Width Restrictions
- Road Narrows
- Narrow Bridge (since 1948)
- One lane bridge
- Ramp Narrows
- Path Narrows
- Narrow winding road, Forest Service USDA
- Bikeway narrows
W6/7 Series: Divided Highways and Hills
The MUTCD's W6/7 series of signs is for warning signs relating to divided highways, hills, and grades. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The MUTCD provides options for graphic and text signs.
- Divided Highways
- Divided highway (since 1971)
- Divided highway ends (since 1971)
- Two-way traffic
- Pass road
- Steep grade/hill
- Hill
- Steep grade/hill percentage
- Use low gear (plaque)
- Trucks use lower gear (plaque)
- X% grade (plaque)
- Next (distance) miles (plaque)
- X% grade (distance) miles (plaque)
- Runaway truck ramp (advance)
- Runaway truck ramp (exit)
- Truck escape ramp
- sand (plaque)
- gravel (plaque)
- paved (plaque)
- Hill (bicycle)
- Hill blocks view
- Steep grade percentage sign, Idaho
- Watch downhill speed, California
W8 Series: Pavement and Roadway Conditions
The MUTCD's W8 series of signs is for warning signs relating to pavement and roadway conditions. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Pavement and Roadway Conditions
- Rough road
- Bump
- Bumps, Minnesota and North Dakota
- Rumble strips, New York State
- Dip
- Pavement Ends (since 1948)
- Road slippery when wet
- Bike lane slippery when wet
- Uneven lanes
- Bridge may be slippery, Pennsylvania
- Rocks and Mud
- Fallen rocks
- Falling rocks, California and Vermont
- Fallen rock, New York State and Kentucky
- Falling rocks, Pennsylvania and Hawaii
- Falling rock, Colorado, North Carolina, Texas, West Virginia
- Watch for rock, Idaho
- Rock slide area, California
- Slides, New York State
- Slide area, California
- Wind, Fog, and Storms
- Gusty Winds Area
- Crosswinds, New York State
- Dangerous crosswinds, New Mexico
- High cross winds, Pennsylvania
- Frequent high winds, Idaho
- Gusty winds, Wisconsin
- Fog area, Ohio
- Occasional blinding dust storms sign, Idaho
- Severe storm area, Idaho
- Ice and Frost
- Bridge ices before road
- Bridge may be icy, Michigan
- Watch for ice on bridges, Indiana and Texas (as Watch for ice on bridge)
- Watch for ice, Pennsylvania
- May be icy, Nebraska
- Icy, California
- Frost heaves, Idaho
- Flooding and Water Conditions
- Flooded, California
- Subject to flooding, California
- Roadway subject to flooding, Pennsylvania
- Road floods during high tide, Hawaii
- High water, Indiana
- Water on road, Delaware
- When flooded turn around don't drown, Texas
W9/10 Series: Lane Transitions and Railroad Crossings
The MUTCD's W9/10 series of signs is for warning signs relating to lane transitions and railroad crossings. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Lane Transitions
- Lane ends (shorthand)
- Merging traffic (through street)
- Railroad Crossing ahead
- Do not stop on tracks
- Stop Here When Flashing
- Railroad intersection warning
- Skewed railroad crossing
- Light rail crossing, California
- Light rail crossing, Look both ways, California
- Low ground clearance railroad crossing
- Warning, Look both ways, Nebraska
- Trains may exceed 80 mph
- Cyclists Dismount To Cross Railroad Tracks, Hemet, California
- No train horn warning
W11 Series: Advance Warnings and Crossings
The MUTCD's W11 series of signs is for warning signs relating to advance warnings and crossings. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The MUTCD allows use of a fluorescent yellow-green background color for signs relating to people crossing the road.[15]
Emergency Vehicles
The MUTCD only provides for a warning of fire stations in the W11 series. Most states have their own signs for other emergency vehicle types which may enter the road.
- Emergency Vehicles
- Fire station
- Fire trucks entering when signal flashes, Wisconsin
- Emergency vehicles, Delaware and Vermont
- Texas emergency vehicle sign, Texas
The MUTCD specifies no children related signs in the W11 series. Several states, counties, and municipalities have signs for situations as children at play as well as children with various medical conditions. Some of these signs vary from state to state as there is no federal standard.
- Children
- Children at play, New York State
- Deaf child area, New York State, Illinois, Wisconsin, New Jersey
- Deaf child, Delaware, Maryland
- Hearing impaired child, Pennsylvania
- Deaf children near, California
- Blind child area, New York State
- Blind child, Delaware
- Autistic child, Delaware, New Jersey
The MUTCD provides several signs in the W11 series warning of bicycles and for signing bicycle facilities. Several states and localities have their own specific bicycle related signs as well.
- Bicycles
- Bicycles (a fluorescent yellow-green background may be used with this sign)
- Bicycles and pedestrians (a fluorescent yellow-green background may be used with this sign)
- Share the road, New York City
- Share the road, Pennsylvania
- Watch for bikes, Maryland
- Share the road, Maryland
- Bicycle May Use Full Lane on the roadway, San Francisco
The MUTCD provides several signs in the W11 series dealing with vehicles. Several states have additional signs for other types of vehicles and situations regarding vehicles not covered by the MUTCD.
- Vehicles
- Tractor/farm vehicle crossing
- Alternative Tractor/farm vehicle crossing sign (MUTCD)
- Motorcycle crossing, New York State
- ATV crossing, New York State
- Golf cart crossing
- Horse-drawn vehicle ahead, Ohio and other U.S. states
- Tank crossing, Pennsylvania
- Truck crossing
- Truck Crossing
- Watch for stopped trucks, Illinois
- Snowmobile sign (MUTCD)
Pedestrians, Transit, and Aviation
The MUTCD provides several signs in the W11 series dealing with pedestrians, transit, and aviation. Several states have additional signs for other types of vehicles and situations regarding vehicles not covered by the MUTCD.
- Pedestrians, Rail and Aviation
- Pedestrian crossing (a fluorescent yellow-green background may be used with this sign)
- Blind pedestrian crossing, Pennsylvania
- Ferry crossing, Missouri
- Balloon launch area, Pennsylvania
- Low flying planes, New York State
- Low flying aircraft, Delaware
- Low flying airplanes cross here, Wisconsin
The MUTCD provides several signs in the W11 series dealing with animals. Several states have additional signs for other types of animals not covered by the MUTCD.
- Animals
- Bear crossing
- Bear crossing (California)
- Duck crossing (Pennsylvania style)
- Cattle crossing
- Deer crossing
- Ram crossing
- Equestrians
- Moose crossing
- Moose crossing (Vermont)
- Donkey crossing
- Sheep crossing
Driveways and Entrances
The MUTCD does not provide signs in the W11 series dealing with driveways and entrances. Many states have their own sign standards dealing with these situations that they place in their own W11 series.
- Driveways and Entrances
- Hidden driveway
- Truck entrance, Delaware and Texas
- Plant entrance, Delaware
- Theatre exit, Wisconsin
- Hidden intersection, Delaware
- Hidden Drive Left (Vermont)
- Hidden Drive Right (Vermont)
W12 Series: Low Clearances
The MUTCD's W12 series of signs is for warning signs relating to low clearances. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. Metric low clearance signs in meters are authorized but extremely rare, usually seen near the borders with Canada and Mexico, both of which use the metric system.[11] Many states, however, disallow the use of metric signs on state-maintained roads due to system restrictions, increasing the rarity of such signs.
- Low Clearances
- Double arrows (Pass on either side)
- Low clearance
- Metric low clearance
- Clearance
W13 Series: Advisory Speeds
The MUTCD's W13 series of signs is for warning signs relating to advisory speeds. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. Speed limits in the United States are always in miles per hour. Metric advisory speed signs in kilometers per hour are authorized but extremely rare, usually seen near the borders with Canada and Mexico, both of which use the metric system.[11] Many states, however, disallow the use of metric signs on state-maintained roads due to system restrictions, increasing the rarity of such signs.
- Advisory Speeds
- Speed advisory
- Speed advisory, metric
- Exit speed advisory
- Turn curve exit speed advisory, Maryland
- Ramp speed advisory
- Ramp speed advisory
- Curve speed advisory, replaced by MUTCD W13-1
W14 Series: Dead End Streets and No Passing Zones
The MUTCD's W14 series of signs is for warning signs relating to dead end streets and no passing zones. As all situations are not covered, several states and local governments have additional signs for other types of situations not covered by the MUTCD.
- Dead End and Limited Access Streets
- Not a through street, Florida, California
- Loop street, Pennsylvania
- No thru street, Pennsylvania, Texas
- No Outlet
- Dead End
- Dead End, New York City
- End, New York City
- Road ends, Michigan, Missouri and Texas
- No Passing Zone (Iowa/Alabama/Arkansas/Utah/New Jersey/Florida)
- Unsafe to pass (Vermont)
- Zona De No Pasar (No Passing Zone), Puerto Rico
W15 Series: Playgrounds
The MUTCD's W15 series of signs is for warning signs relating to playgrounds. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Playgrounds
- Playground (a fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign)[16]
W16 Series: Supplemental Plaques
The MUTCD's W16 series of signs is for supplemental plaques for warning signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Supplemental Plaques
- Steep hill, Delaware
- Fire house (used in conjunction with graphic fire station sign), New York State
- 500 feet
- 500 feet (alternative)
- X miles
- X miles (alternative)
- Next 500 feet
- Advance street name
- Advance street name (alternative)
- Ahead (plaque)
- Photo enforced
- Photo enforced (symbol)
- HOV (plaque)
- Traffic circle (used in conjunction with graphic roundabout sign)
- When flashing
- New (plaque)
- Roundabout (used in conjunction with graphic roundabout sign)
- Notice (plaque)
W17 Series: Speed Humps
The MUTCD's W17 series of signs is for warning signs relating to speed humps. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Speed Humps
- Speed Hump
W19 Series: End of Controlled Access Highway
The MUTCD's W19 series of signs is for warning signs relating to the end of a controlled access highway. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- End of Controlled Access
- Freeway Ends, 1 Mile
- Expressway Ends, 1 Mile
- Freeway Ends
- Expressway Ends
- All traffic must exit
W20 Series: Work Zones
The MUTCD's W20 series of signs is for warning signs relating to work zones. These signs are typically orange background ones used for temporary situations. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Work Zone Signs
- Road Work Next 5 Miles
- Road Work Ends
- Work Zone for Speed limit
- Road work ahead
- Road Closed Ahead
- Road is closed 1000 ft. ahead
- Detour
- End Detour
- End(If a road work blocked road)
W20 Series: Road Ends
The MUTCD Road Closed signs alert drivers that the road is closed; these signs are white.
- Road Closed signs
- Road Closed
- Road Closed to Thru Traffic
W21 Series: Road Work
The MUTCD's W21 series of signs is for warning signs relating to road work. These signs are typically orange background ones used for temporary situations. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD
- Road Work Signs
- Flaggers in road ahead
- One lane road ahead(with distance)
- Be prepared to stop
- Workers in road ahead
- Fresh oil on road
- Utility work in road
W22 Series: Blasting Zones
The MUTCD's W22 series of signs is for warning signs relating to blasting zones. These signs are typically orange background ones used for temporary situations. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Blasting Zone Signs
- Blasting zone ahead
- Turn off 2-way radios and cell phones
- End blasting zone
W23 Series: Slow Traffic
The MUTCD's W23 series of signs is for warning signs relating to slow traffic. These signs are typically orange background ones used for temporary situations. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Slow Traffic Signs
- Slow traffic ahead
- New traffic pattern ahead
W24 Series: Lane Shifts
The MUTCD's W24 series of signs is for warning signs relating to lane shifts, where traffic would be diverted slightly toward the left or right of the roadway, but the route is otherwise unchanged. These signs are typically orange background ones used for temporary situations. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Double Reverse Curve Signs
- Single Lane Shift Pair
- Traffic shift right
- Traffic shift left
- Double Lane Shift Pair
- Triple Lane Shift Pair
- All lanes
W25 Series: Oncoming Traffic Has Extended Green
The MUTCD's W25 series of signs is for warning signs oncoming traffic having an extended green signal at a traffic light. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
- Extended Green Signs
- Extended green
- Possible extended Green
Incident Management
The MUTCD's incident management signs are intended for use by emergency crews at traffic incident management scenes pursuant to the National Incident Management System. The MUTCD gives jurisdictions the option of presenting such temporary signs in a fluorescent pink color.[17] There are no specific guidelines as to which signs can and cannot be used for incident management, but a few examples are listed below.
- Incident Management
- Flagger Present
- Workers on Road
- Single Lane Shift Left
- Be Prepared to Stop
- Detour (Right)
The MUTCD does not provide signs dealing with some other road and highway situations. Many states have their own sign standards dealing with these situations.
- Miscellaneous
- Tunnel
- Restricted weight bridge, New York State
- Underpass, New York State
Guide signs include highway route markers (shields), which are reassurance markers, interchange signs, including advance guide and exit signs, and mile markers. Advance guide and exit signs usually feature control cities or other locations to help direct drivers toward their desired destination. The position of the exit number plaque indicates right or left exit[18] (and should indicate center lane exit).
Interchange signs
- Interchange Advance Guide Signs
- Interchange advance guide, New Jersey
- Interchange Guide sign, Maryland
- Interchange advance guide, New York State
- Interchange advance guide, Hawaii
- Interchange advance guide, California
- Interchange Exit Direction Signs
- Interchange exit direction
- Interchange exit direction, Maryland
- Interchange exit direction, Virginia
- Interchange exit direction, New York State
- Exit number sign, right
- Exit sign, right
- Exit number sign with speed advisory
- Mileage signs for highway routes, Colorado
- Toll Road Signs
- Toll road pass only
- Toll road pass or HOV 2+
- Toll costs at intersections or HOV 2+
- Logo service and Rest Area signs
- Specific service signs for food, gas, lodging, etc.
Shield markers
- Guide Signs and Route Markers (Shields)
- Single-digit interstate route shield
- Two-digit interstate route shield
- Three-digit interstate route shield
- Single-digit interstate route shield, California
- Three-digit interstate route shield, California
- Four-digit interstate route shield, Hawaii
- Off-Interstate Business Loop Route shield
- Off-Interstate Business Spur route shield
- Single-digit U.S. route shield
- Two-digit U.S. route shield
- Three-digit U.S. route shield
- Single-digit state route shield
- Two-digit state route shield
- Three-digit state route shield
- Michigan State Trunkline single-digit shield
- Michigan State Trunkline double-digit shield
- Michigan State Trunkline triple-digit shield
- Two-digit state highway shield, Oklahoma
- Three-digit state highway shield, Oklahoma
- Two-digit state route shield, South Carolina
- Three-digit state highway shield, South Carolina
- Single-digit U.S. route shield, California
- Two-digit U.S. route shield, California
- Three-digit U.S. route shield, California
- Historic Route, U.S. Highway shield, California
- Two-digit state route shield, Alabama
- Three-digit state route shield, Alabama
- Single-digit state highway shield, Arkansas
- Two-digit state highway shield, Arkansas
- Three-digit state highway shield, Arkansas
- Four-digit state highway shield, Arkansas
- Primary route sign, Tennessee
- Secondary route sign, Tennessee
- Two-digit state highway shield uses a keystone, Pennsylvania
- Three-digit state highway shield uses a keystone, Pennsylvania
- Single-digit state route shield, New York
- Two-digit state route shield, New York
- Three-digit state route shield, New York
- Four-digit state route shield, New York
- Reference route marker, New York
- Two-digit state route shield, Ohio
- Three-digit state route shield, Ohio
- Two-digit state route shield, California
- Three-digit state route shield, California
- Two-digit state route shield, Georgia
- Three-digit state route shield, Georgia
- Three-digit state route with toll shield, Florida
- Single-digit state highway shield, Florida
- Two-digit state highway shield, Florida
- Three-digit state highway shield, Florida
- Four-digit state route shield, Florida
- Two-digit county route shield
- Three-digit county route, shield New Jersey
- Farm-to-market road shield, Texas
- Missouri supplemental route shield
- Brooklyn Battery Tunnel shield
- Queens-Midtown Tunnel shield
- New Jersey Turnpike shield
- Garden State Parkway Shield
- Atlantic City Expressway shield
- Pennsylvania Turnpike shield
- Ohio Turnpike shield
- Dallas North Tollway shield
- Eisenhower Interstate System sign
- Palisades Interstate Parkway shield
- New York State Thruway shield
Note: State markers are illustrative examples; all states may select their own marker shapes or use the default circle. See Numbered highways in the United States#State highways and other similar systems.
- Street Name Signs
- Street name sign, MUTCD D-3
- Street name sign, MUTCD D-3
- NYC Broadway street name sign
- NYC street name sign
- NYC Midtown Manhattan street name sign
- NYC historic district street name sign
- Chicago street name sign
- Boston street name sign
- Washington, D.C. street name sign
- Philadelphia street name sign
- Hoboken street name sign
- Los Angeles street name sign
- Minneapolis east–west street name sign
- Minneapolis north–south street name sign
- Minneapolis arterial street name sign (Snow Emergency route)
Toll Road Signs
Chapter 2F of the MUTCD deals with signs for toll roads.
- Toll Road Signs
- MUTCD Conventional Toll Plaza advance sign
- MUTCD Conventional Toll Plaza advance sign
- New Jersey Turnpike E-ZPass toll booth sign
- Pay toll
- Hospital sign
- Trauma center
- Bump
Non-compliant to MUTCD Signs
There are many signs that are non-compliant to MUTCD and/or state MUTCD standards seen in use on public and semi-public roads.
- Non Compliant vs Compliant Signs
- The now-defunct, non-standard US 20 west sign, Main St. after Lexington St., Waltham Center, Massachusetts
- Standard US 20 west sign
- No parking sign with permissive parking green color, Glenside, Pennsylvania
- Standard no parking sign
- Greene County Route 16 sign in Catskill/Adirondack colors, Hunter, New York
- Standard Greene County Route 16 sign
- Traffic lights with Continuous Green Through Lane at seagull intersections in Florida
- Blue stop sign seen on private property in Hawaii
- Standard stop sign
Superseded signs
These signs have been superseded, but can still be seen in some places.
- School (1948-1971)
- School (1971-2009)
- School (Plaque)
- School crossing (1961-1971)
- School bus stop ahead (1971-2009)
- School bus stop ahead (1998-2009)
- School Speed Limit
- All Year (Plaque)
- Roundabout
- Stop ahead (1948-2009)
- Yield ahead (1948-2009)
- Signal Ahead (1961-2009)
- Merging traffic (1961-1971)
- Slippery when wet (1948-1971)
- Slow
- Stop, prior to 1954
- Yield, prior to 1954
- Yield (1954-1961)
- Yield (1961-1971)
- R1-3: 3-Way Plate
- R1-3: 4-Way Plate
- Do Not Enter (1948-1971)
- Narrow bridge (1978-2003)
- Divided highway (1948-2009)
- Divided road (1948-2009)
- Divided highway ends (1948-2009)
- Pavement ends (1978-2000)
- Slippery when wet, as of 1978
- Railroad Crossing advance warning sign, in use through the 1950s
See also
- American Association of State Highway Officials; National Joint Committee on Traffic Control Devices (1971). "Section 2A-13, Symbols". Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. p. 16. Retrieved July 21, 2020.
- "Symbols to Replace Words on U.S. Traffic Signs". The New York Times. The New York Times Company. May 31, 1970. p. 58.
- Lindsey, Robert (April 23, 1972). "Signs of Progress: Road Symbols Guiding Traffic". The New York Times. The New York Times Company. p. S22. Retrieved August 19, 2020.
- Hazlett, Bill (March 23, 1972). "Some Confusing: Wordless Traffic Signs Popping Up". Los Angeles Times. Times Mirror. p. E1. Available through ProQuest Historical Newspapers.
- Conniff, James C.G. (March 30, 1975). "Danger: Signs ahead". The New York Times. The New York Times Company. p. 183. Retrieved August 19, 2020.
- American Association of State Highway Officials; National Joint Committee on Traffic Control Devices (1978). "Section 2A-13, Symbols". Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. p. 2A-6.
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; National Joint Committee on Traffic Control Devices (2003). "Introduction". Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Retrieved August 26, 2020.
- Staff (September 19, 2011). "Who Uses the MUTCD? And How?". Federal Highway Administration. Retrieved March 16, 2012.
- Staff. "The Shape—and Color—Give Us a Sign". Federal Highway Administration. Archived from the original on April 1, 2009. Retrieved April 5, 2009.
- "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD)". Retrieved April 2, 2019.
- Metric signs on roads in the U.S.
- "23 CFR Part 655 National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Final Rule" (PDF). Retrieved April 2, 2019.
- Staff (October 2011). "Chapter 7: Parallel Parking". Driver's Manual and Study Guide. New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. Retrieved March 16, 2012.
- "2009 Edition Chapter 7B. School Signs". Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The United States Department of Transportation. Retrieved June 6, 2012.
- "2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2C-11. Non-Vehicular Warning Signs". Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. United States Department of Transportation. Retrieved June 6, 2012.
- "2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2C-11. Non-Vehicular Warning Signs". Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices. United States Department of Transportation. Retrieved June 6, 2012.
- Federal Highway Administration (2009). "Section 6I.01, General". Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (2009 ed.). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation. Retrieved September 8, 2020.
- "MUTCD, Section 2E.28 - Interchange Exit Numbering" (PDF).