South American land mammal age
The South American land mammal ages (SALMA) establish a geologic timescale for prehistoric South American fauna beginning 64.5 Ma during the Paleocene and continuing through to the Late Pleistocene (0.011 Ma). These periods are referred to as ages, stages, or intervals and were established using geographic place names where fossil materials where obtained.[1]

The basic unit of measure is the first/last boundary statement. This shows that the first appearance event of one taxon is known to predate the last appearance event of another. If two taxa are found in the same fossil quarry or at the same stratigraphic horizon, then their age-range zones overlap.
South America was an island continent for much of the Cenozoic, or the "Age of Mammals". As a result, its mammals evolved in their own unique directions, as Australia and Madagascar still have today.
Paleogeographic timeline
A simplified paleogeographic timeline of South America:[2]
- 66 Ma – South America was connected to both North America and Antarctica. Soon after this point, it lost its connection to North America.
- 66–50 Ma – Tiupampan to Casamayoran - South America was connected to Antarctica which, in turn, was connected to Australia. The Antarctica–Australia connection was lost around the end of this interval or perhaps as much as 15 million years later.
- 50–34 Ma – Casamayoran to Tinguirirican - South America was connected to Antarctica, which was not yet covered by ice.
- 34 Ma – Tinguirirican - South America and Antarctica became detached and glaciations started to form in Antarctica.
- 34–9 Ma – Tinguirirican to Chasicoan - South America had no land connections to any other continent.
- 9–3 Ma – Huayquerian to Chapadmalalan - islands formed between South and North America. A complete Isthmus of Panama most likely formed near the end of this interval, leading to the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI).
- 3 Ma to present – Uquian to Holocene - the land connection between South and North America is established and migration between the formerly separated continents occurs. The main migrational route is from north to south, rather than the opposite way. This led to much higher extinction levels of groups in South America than in North America.
- Pleistocene – the glacials and interglacials of the Pleistocene caused drastic eustatic sea level changes, widening and narrowing the land bridge at the 'bottleneck' of Panama. As a side-effect, the vegetation changed during this period of strong climatic changes.
- Late Pleistocene – the earliest humans arrived in South America and settled in various parts of the continent. Evidence for cohabitation with the latest Pleistocene megafauna has been found at multiple locations, such as Monte Verde in coastal Chile and Tibitó on the Altiplano Cundiboyacense in Colombia.

Cenozoic fossiliferous stratigraphic units in South America
The following formations have provided vertebrate, insect or plant fossils, formations with other invertebrates are excluded:
Fossil content
SALMA | Group | Fossils | Formation | Notes |
Lujanian | Mammals | Calomys callosus, Chaetophractus villosus, Ctenomys lujanensis, C. magellanicus, Dilobodon lujanensis, Doedicurus clavicaudatus, Dolichotis patagonum, Dusicyon avus, Eligmodontia typus, Equus (Amerhippus) cf. curvidens, Equus caballus, Eulamaops paralellus, Eutatus seguini, Galea musteloides, Glossotherium myloides, G. robustum, Glyptodon clavipes, G. perforatus, G. reticulatus, G. rudimentarius, Hemiauchenia paradoxa, Hippidion devillei, H. principale, Holochilus brasiliensis, Lagostomus maximus, Lama glama, L. gracilis, L. guanicoe, Lestodelphys halli, Lestodon armatus, L. gaudryi, L. trigonidens, Lontra longicaudis, Lycalopex gymnocercus, Lyncodon patagonicus, Macrauchenia patagonica, Megatherium americanum, Microcavia australis, M. robusta, Morenelaphus azpeitianus, M. lujanensis, Myocastor coypus, M. priscus, Neochoerus aesopi, Neochoerus sulcidens, Neothoracophorus depressus, N. elevatus, Neuryurus rudis, Notiomastodon platensis, Pampatherium typum, Panochthus tuberculatus, Panthera onca, Panthera platensis, Pediolagus salinicola, Pseudalopex gymnocercus, Reithrodon auritus, R. cf. physodes, Scelidotherium leptocephalum, Smilodon populator, Stegomastodon superbus, Tayassu tajacu, Tolypeutes tricinctus matacus, Toxodon bilobidens, T. platensis, Arctotherium sp., Neosclerocalyptus sp. | Luján | |
Holmesina rondoniensis | Rio Madeira | |||
Birds | Cathartes fossilis, Lagopterus minutus, Phalacrocorax brasilianus, Sarcorhamphus fossilis | Luján | ||
Insects | Cyclocephala signaticollis, Diloboderus abderus, Epipedonota cristallisata, Nyctelia picipes, Scotobius pilularius | Luján | ||
Ensenadan | Mammals | Epieurycerus truncus, Tonnicinctus mirus | Ensenada | |
Balaenoptera musculus, Eubalaena australis, Megaptera novaeangliae, Ziphiidae indet. | Graxaim | |||
Homotherium venezuelensis, Smilodon gracilis, Tapirus sp. | Mesa | |||
Eutatus sp., Mesotherium sp., Neosclerocalyptus sp., Palaeolama sp. | Miramar | |||
Equus (Amerhippus) andium, Equus (Amerhippus) insulatus, Andinomys cf. edea, Arctodus tarijensis, A. wingei, Arctotherium tarijense, A. wingei, Calomys cf. lancha, Canis dirus, Canis proplatensis, Chaetophractus tarijensis, C. villosus, Charitoceros tarijensis, Chlamydotherium cf. sellowi, Chrysocyon brachyurus, Coendou magnus, Conepatus suffocans, Ctenomys brachyrhinus, C. subassentiens, Cuvieronius hyodon, C. tropicus, Dasypus cf. villosus, Dicotyles cf. major, Euphractus sexcinctus, Euryzygomatomys hoffstetteri, Felis platensis, Felis yaguaroundi, Glossotherium robustum, G. tarijensis, Glyptodon clavipes, G. reticulatus, Hemiauchenia cf. paradoxa, Hippidion bonaerensis, H. devillei, H. principale, Hoplophorus echazui, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, Kunsia fronto, Lama castelnaudi, L. glama, L. intermedia, L. mesolithica, L. cf. oweni, L. provicugna, Lestodon armatus, Lutreolina crassicaudata, Macrauchenia patagonica, Megatherium americanum, M. tarijensis, Myocastor coypus, M. perditus, Nectomys cf. squamipes, Neochoerus tarijensis, Neothoracophorus cf. elevatus, Nothropus tarijensis, Oxymycterus cf. paranensis, Palaeolama crequii, P. weddeli, Pampatherium cf. humboldtii, Panochthus cf. tuberculatus, Panthera onca, Phyllotis cf. darwini, Platygonus tarijensis, Propraopus sulcatus, Protocyon tarijensis, Pseudalopex gymnocercus, Puma concolor, Reigomys primigenus, Scelidodon tarijensis, Scelidotherium patrium, Smilodon populator, Tapirus tarijensis, Tapirus terrestris terrestris, Theriodictis tarijensis, Toxodon cf. platensis, Haplomastodon sp., Hippocamelus sp., Hydrochoerus sp., Nasua sp., Notiomastodon sp. | Tarija | |||
Hippidion devillei, Pardinamys humahuaquensis, Pseudomacrauchenia yepesi, Glyptodon sp., ?Neuryurus sp., cf. Palaeolama sp., Scelidotherium sp., Cervidae indet. | Uquía | |||
Glyptodon munizi | Vorohué | |||
Hippidion principale, Holmesina paulacoutoi, Lestodon armatus, Macrauchenia patagonica, Megatherium americanum, Neolicaphrium recens, Notiomastodon platensis, Pampatherium typum, Panthera onca, Smilodon populator, Tayassu pecari, Toxodon platensis, Arctotherium sp., Dolichotis sp., Euphractus sp., Galea sp., Glyptodon sp., Lama sp., Mazama sp., Myocastor sp., Neosclerocalyptus sp., Panochthus sp., Propraopus sp., Scelidodon sp., Stegomastodon sp., Theriodictis sp., Tolypeutes sp. | Yupoí | |||
Birds | Neochen debilis | Belgrano | ||
Anas bahamensis, Anas cheuen, Callonetta talarae, Pleistoanser bravardi, Zonotrichia robusta | Miramar | |||
Vultur gryphus | Tarija | |||
Reptiles & amphibians | Leiosaurus marellii | La Ensenada | ||
Caiman venezuelensis, Crocodylia indet. | Mesa | |||
Bufo cf. marinus, Ceratophrys sp. | Tarija | |||
Fishes | Pogonias cromis | Graxaim | ||
Uquian | Mammals | Chaetophractus cf. villosus, Ctenomys chapadmalensis, Hippidion devillei, Hydrochoeropsis dasseni, Lestodon ?castellanosi, Megatherium ?uquiensis, Paraglyptodon uquiensis, Platygonus uquiensis, Pyramiodontherium ?carlesi, Windhausenia delacroixi, Xiphuroides uquiensis, Erethizon sp., ?Panochthus sp., Urotherium sp., Doedicurinae indet., Euphractinae indet., Gomphotheriidae indet., Sclerocalyptinae indet. | Uquía | |
Macrauchenia cf. ullomensis, Glossotherium sp., Plaxhaplous sp., Cervidae indet. | Charana | |||
Megatherium medinae | Chíu-Chíu | |||
Aenigmys diamantensis, Eumysops sp. | Hernandarías | |||
Thalassocnus yaucensis | Pisco | |||
Panochthus intermedius | Sacaba | |||
Eumysops marplatensis, Neuryurus sp. | San Andrés | |||
Palaeolama weddelli, Doedicurus sp. | San José | |||
Macrauchenia patagonica, Scelidodon cf. tarijensis, Cervidae indet. | Umala | |||
Eumysops cavoides, E. marplatensis, Galictis sorgentini, Leopardus vorohuensis, Platygonus chapalmalensis, Protocyon scagliaruen, Smilodon riggii, Canis sp., Catagonus sp., Didelphis sp., Dolichotis sp., Dusicyon sp., Hippidion sp., Lagostomus sp., Lama sp., Megatherium sp., Mesotherium sp., Microcavia sp., Microtragulus sp., Paedotherium sp., Palaeolama sp., Pithanotomys sp., Tremacyllus sp., Toxodon sp., Windhausenia sp. | Vorohué | |||
Birds | Phalacrocorax aff. bougainvillii | Pisco | ||
Aratinga vorohuensis | Vorohué | |||
Reptiles | Uquiasaurus heptanodonta | Uquía | ||
Chapadmalalan | Mammals | Didelphis brachyodonta, Didelphis reigi, Lutreolina cf. crassicaudata, Paraglyptodon chapalmalensis, Platygonus marplatensis, Thylophorops chapalmalensis, Marmosa indet. | Chapadmalal | |
Paedotherium typicum, Paramyocastor diligens, Eumysops sp. | Puerto Alvear | |||
Abrothrix magnus, Chukimys favaloroi | Brochero | |||
Caviodon multiplicatus, Doellotatus chapadmalensis, Dolicavia minuscula, Eucelophorus cf. chapalmalensis, Macrochorobates chapadmalensis, Macroeuphractus retusus, Paedotherium bonaerense, P. typicum, Pascualia aff. laeviplicata, Tremacyllus impressus, Actenomys sp., Lagostomus (Lagostomopsis) sp., Pithanotomys sp. | Río Quinto | |||
aff. Holmesina floridianus, Marisela gregoriana, Pliodasypus vergelianus, Boreostemma sp., Cardiatherium sp., cf. Caviodon sp., Cyonasua sp., Neoepiblema sp., Megatheriidae indet., Toxodontidae indet. | San Gregorio | |||
Artigasia magna, Plesiomegatherium hansmeyeri, Pliomegatherium sp. | San José | |||
Chorobates villosissimus, cf. Doellotatus inornatus, Lomaphorops corallinus, Neuryurus cf. giganteus, Pyramiodontherium scillatoyanei, Xyophorus aff. bandesioi, Eoauchenia sp., Paleuphractus sp., cf. Plesiomegatherium sp., Propediolagus sp., cf. Proscelidodon sp., Protabrocoma sp., cf. Urotherium sp. | Toro Negro | |||
Ctenomys chapadmalensis, Doellotatus chapadmalensis, Paraglyptodon uquiensis, Microcavia sp., Plaina sp., Scelidotheridium sp. | Uquía | |||
Hydrochoeropsis wayuu, Pliomegatherium lelongi, Chapalmalania sp., ?Hyperleptus sp., Nothrotherium sp., Camelidae indet., Caviidae indet., Erethizontidae indet., Glyptodontidae indet., Lestodontini indet., Megalonychidae indet., Mylodontidae indet., Pampatheriidae indet., Proterotheriidae indet., Scelidotheriinae indet., Tardigrada indet., Toxodontidae indet. | Ware | |||
Birds | Llallawavis scagliai | Playa Los Lobos Allo | ||
Reptiles & amphibians | Rhinella loba | Chapadmalal | [284] | |
Anura indet., Squamata indet., Serpentes indet. | Brochero | |||
Crocodylus falconensis | San Gregorio | |||
Crocodylus sp., Alligatoridae indet., Crocodylidae indet., Podocnemididae indet. | Ware | |||
Fishes | Carcharhinidae indet., Characidae indet., Cichlidae indet., Cynodontidae indet., Doradidae indet., Myliobatidae indet., Pimelodidae indet., Pristidae indet., Sciaenidae indet., Serrasalmidae indet., Sphyrnidae indet. | Ware | ||
Montehermosan | Mammals | Actenomys latidens, A. priscus, Argyrolagus palmeri, Caviodon australis, Doellotatus inornatus, Eleutherocercus antiquus, Eoauchenia primitiva, Eucelophorus cabrerai, Eumysops formosus, E. laeviplicatus, Holozaedyus laevisculptus, Hyperdidelphys inexpectata, Kraglievichimys formosus, Lagostomus euplasius, L. incises, Macrochorobates chapadmalensis, Marmosa contrerasi, Myrmecophaga caroloameghinoi, Necromys bonapartei, Notocynus hermosicus, Paedotherium bonaerense, P. typicum, Parahyaenodon argentinus, Paramyocastor diligens, Phugatherium cataclisticum, Phtoramys homogenidens, Pithanotomys columnaris, P. macer, Plaina cf. intermedia, Plohophorus figuratus, Promacrauchenia antiqua, P. kraglievichi, Proscelidodon patrius, Pseudoplataeomys formosus, Pseudotypotherium bravardi, Thylatheridium pascuali, Toxodon chapalmalensis, Tremacyllus impressus, Trigodon gaudryi, Caviodon sp., Chorobates sp., Lestodon sp., Lutreolina sp., Macroeuphractus sp., Neocavia sp., Neophanomys sp., Orthomyctera sp., Palaeocavia sp., Paleuphractus sp., Phugatherium sp., Prodolichotis sp., Pseudotypotherium sp., Sparassocynus sp., Caviidae indet., Cricetidae indet., Dasypodidae indet., Glyptodontidae indet., Macraucheniidae indet., Proterotheriidae indet., Rodentia indet., Sigmodontinae sp., Toxodontidae indet. | Monte Hermoso | |
Xotodon caravela | Aconquija | |||
Brachytherium laternarium, Cardiomys ameghinorum, Cavia cabrerai, Caviodon andalhualensis, Chapalmalania alteafrontis, Chorobates scalabrini, Cyonasua brevirostris, Eosclerocalyptus planus, Hemihegetotherium robustum, Microtragulus catamarcensis, Neophanomys biplicatus, Neotamandua conspicua, Orthomyctera andina, Palaeomyrmidon incomptus, Paradidelphys pattersonii, Paraeuphractus prominens, Phlyctaenopyga ameghinoi, Pithanotomys columnaris, Prodolichotis prisca, Promacrauchenia antiqua, Pyramiodontherium bergi, Scelidotherium pendolai, Sphenotherus zavaletianus, Stromaphorus compressidens, Tetrastylus intermedius, Tremacyllus latifrons, Typotheriopsis internum, Palaeocavia sp., Thylacosmilus sp., Toxodontherium sp., Xotodon sp. | Andalhuala | |||
Hemisyntrachelus sp. | Bahía Inglesa | |||
Balaenopteridae indet., Odontoceti indet., Otariidae indet. | Caleta Herradura | |||
Plesiotypotherium casirense, Simomylodon uccasamamensis | Casira | |||
Bolivartherium codorensis, Boreostemma pliocena, Falcontoxodon aguilerai, cf. Ischyrorhynchus vanbenedeni, Mirandabradys zabasi, Proeremotherium eljebe, Alitoxodon sp., Plesiomegatherium sp. | Codore | |||
Delphinus domeykoi, Megaptera hubachi, Pliopontos sp., ?Squalodon sp., Balaenidae indet. | Coquimbo | |||
Borhyaenidium riggsi | Corral Quemado | |||
Posnanskytherium desaguaderoi, Macroeuphractus aff. moreni, Neosclerocalyptus sp., cf. Plohophorops sp., cf. Promacrauchenia sp. | La Paz | |||
Anadasypus aequatorianus, Caviomorpha indet., Litopterna indet., Toxodontia indet. | Letrero | |||
Cetacea indet. | Paraguaná | |||
Posnanskytherium sp., Promacrauchenia sp., Mylodontidae indet. | Remedios | |||
Plohophorus aff. figuratus | Río Negro | |||
Oxyodontherium zeballosi | Río Quinto | |||
Catonyx tarijensis | San José | |||
Aymaratherium jeani, Megatherium altiplanicum, Microtragulus bolivianus, Phugatherium saavedrai, Posnanskytherium desaguaderoi, Praectenomys rhombidens, P. vagus, Sparassocynus heterotopicus, Macroeuphractus sp., cf. Plaina sp., cf. Promacrauchenia sp., ?Caenolestidae indet., Mylodontinae indet. | Umala | |||
Birds | Chunga incerta, Dryornis pampeanus, Eudromia cf. elegans, Foetopterus ambiguus, Mesembriornis milneedwardsi, Palaeociconia australis, Protorhea azarae, Tinamisornis intermedius, T. parvulus, Dendrocygninae indet. | Monte Hermoso | ||
Opisthodactylus kirchneri | Andalhuala | |||
Pygoscelis grandis, Spheniscus anglicus | Bahía Inglesa | |||
Spheniscus chilensis, Milvago sp., Phalacrocorax sp. | Caleta Herradura | |||
cf. Palaeospheniscus sp., Spheniscus sp., Diomedeidae indet., Spheniscidae indet. | Coquimbo | |||
Reptiles & amphibians | Ceratophrys ameghinorum, Chelonoidis cf. australis, Lepidobatrachus australis, L. laevis, Testudo formosa, Leptodactylus sp., Tupinambis sp., Bufonidae indet., Colubridae indet. | Monte Hermoso | ||
Caiman sp., Gavialoidea indet. | Ipururo | |||
Fishes | Characidae indet., Percichthyidae indet., Trichomycteridae indet. | Monte Hermoso | ||
Carcharodon carcharias, Prionace glauca | Bahía Inglesa | |||
Carcharodon carcharias, Carcharias sp., Carcharhinus sp., Chondrichthyes indet., Myliobatidae indet. | Caleta Herradura | |||
Carcharodon carcharias | Coquimbo | |||
Megalodon, Brotula cf. ordwayi, Carcharhinus egertoni, Carcharhinus priscus, Chilara taylori, Eucinostomus cf. currani, Galeocerdo aduncus, Hemipristis serra, Isistius triangulus, Larimus cf. pacificus, Lepophidium microlepis, Merluccius cf. angustimanus, Negaprion eurybathrodon, Odontaspis acutissima, Orthopristis cf. cantharinus, Otophidium indefatigabile, Paraconger californiensis, Porichthys analis, P. margaritatus, P. cf. notatus, Rhizoprionodon taxandriae, Anchoa sp., Apogon sp., Citharichthys sp., Diaphus sp., Haemulon sp., Lampadena sp., Cynoglossidae indet., Gerreidae indet., Gobiidae indet., Opistognathidae indet., Pleuronectidae indet., ?Serranidae indet. | Onzole | |||
Megalodon | Paraguaná | |||
Megalodon, Carcharodon hastalis, Hexanchus griseus, Pristiophorus sp. | Puerta del Diablo | |||
See also
- Biochronology
- North American land mammal age (NALMA)
- Asian land mammal age (ALMA)
- European land mammal age (ELMA or ELMMZ)
- List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Colombia
- List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Ecuador
- List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Paraguay
- List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Uruguay
- List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Venezuela
Notes and references
- Former name of Ituzaingó Formation
- Former name of Cerro Azul Formation
- In later research considered part of the Camacho Formation[96]
- Flynn & Swisher, 1995
- Darin A. Croft - South American Fossil Mammals
- Blasi et al., 2010, p.88
- Fucks et al., 2011, p.110
- Quebrada Agua Blanca at
- Mapa Geológico del Paraguay, 1986, p.42
- Filí, 2001, p.28
- López Mendoza et al, 2010, p.22
- Alvarenga et al., 2010, p.230
- Martínez & Ubilla, 2009, p.211
- Vezzosi, 2015, p.89
- Zurita et al., 2009, p.279
- Soibelzon et al., 2010, p.315
- Vezzosi, 2015, p.30
- Villarroel et al., 1989, p.120
- Córdova Aguilar, 2009, p.74
- Combina & Sánchez, 2003, p.126
- Marshall & Sempere, 1991, p.643
- Pardiñas & Galliari, 1998, p.18
- Córdova Aguilar, 2009, p.75
- Páramo & Escobar, 2010, p.52
- Montoya & Reyes, 2005, p.72
- Brambilla & Ibarra
- Vezzosi, 2015, p.143
- Córdova Aguilar, 2009, p.76
- Isla et al., 2015, p.245
- Oliveira et al., 2005, p.216
- Villarroel et al., 2001, p.90
- Martínez & Ubilla, 2009, p.212
- Marshall & Sempere, 1991, p.642
- Vezzosi, 2015, p.41
- Kerber et al., 2014, p.250
- Marshall & Sempere, 1991, p.639
- Tonni et al., 1999, p.277
- Picasso & Degrange, 2009, p.429
- Agnolin, 2006
- Buchmann et al., 2009, p.9
- Granadino, 2012, p.18
- Isla et al., 2015, p.236
- Marshall & Sempere, 1991, p.640
- Reguero & Candela, 2008, p.291
- Orgeira, 1988, p.26
- Franco et al., 2013, p.41
- Erra et al., 2016, p.65
- Le Roux et al., 2016, p.46
- Segovia, 2014, p.142
- Renner & Velasco, 2000, p.26
- Castro et al., 2014, p.5
- Moreno et al., 2015, p.7
- Olivares et al., 2012, p.200
- Elissamburu et al., 2011, p.228
- Vezzosi, 2015, p.257
- Muruaga, 2001, p.30
- Zamorano, 2013, p.284
- Le Roux et al., 2006, p.49
- Carillo Briceño et al., 2013, p.194
- Chávez, 2008
- Brand et al., 2011
- Solíz Mundaca, 2018, p.14
- Cerdeño et al., 2008, p.225
- Rinderknecht & Noriega, 2002, p.185
- Ciccioli, 2017, p.72
- Agnolin et al., 2014, p.20
- Albino et al., 2009, p.79
- Bogan & Agnolin, 2009, p.193
- Nasif et al., p.101
- Gutiérrez & Mon, 2004
- Di Celma & Cantalamessa, 2007
- Cerdeño et al., 2012
- Quijano Ballesteros, 2005, p.19
- Bonini, 2014, p.58
- Antoine et al., 2016, p.56
- Castro Medina, 2010, p.58
- Romero Carrasco, 2017, p.8
- Finger et al., 2007, p.13
- Ramírez Parrales, 2013, p.52
- Reguero et al., 2015, p.60
- Mendi & Rodríguez, 2005, p.19
- Cione et al., 2005, p.57
- Tófalo & Morrás, 2009, p.683
- Pérez, 2012, p.11
- Cozzuol, 2006, p.190
- Forasiepi et al., 2011, p.136
- Garrido et al., 2017, p.54
- Verde, 2002, p.21
- Goin et al., 2000, p.101
- Verzi et al., 2008, p.146
- Morton & Herbst, s.a., p.1
- Cerdeño et al., 2019, p.12
- Czaplewski & Campbell, 2017
- Frailey, 1986, p.4
- García López & Barbot, 2015, p.315
- Franco et al., 2013, p.44
- Vezzosi, 2015, p.27
- Kiyu Formation at
- Verde, 2002, p.20
- Romero et al., 1998, p.60
- Pujos et al., 2012, p.2
- Marshall & Sempere, 1991, p.636
- Córdova Aguilar, 2009, p.26
- Morton & Herbst, 2007, p.154
- Marshall & Sempere, 1991, p.637
- Martín Pérez, 2013, p.51
- Brea et al., 2013, p.28
- Wesselingh et al., 2006, p.304
- González & Abascal, 2012, p.129
- Baldellón et al., 1994, p.241
- Marshall & Sempere, 1991
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- Dalla Salda & Franzese, 1987, p.7
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- Marshall, 1990
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- Solíz Mundaca, 2018, p.13
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- Mendi & Rodríguez, 2005, p.20
- Johnson, 2009, p.60
- Dal Molín & Colombo, 2003, p.140
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- Montoya & Reyes, 2005, p.54
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- Arroyo Tapalque at
- Paso Otero-Pardo at
- Paso Otero-Verde at
- Luján at
- Laguna Las Encadenadas at
- Quequén Salado - Indio Rico at
- Vezzosi, 2015, pp.636-637
- Vezzosi, 2015, p.899
- Góis et al., 2012
- Salado River, General Belgrano at
- La Chumbiada at
- Góis et al., 2015
- La Plata (Ensenada) at
- Graxaim at
- El Breal de Orocual at
- El Breal de Orocual2 at
- 900 m SW of Punta Hermengo at
- Machado et al., 2014
- Tarija at
- Tarija-1 at
- Ortiz et al., 2013
- Esquina Blanca - Upper Unit at
- Baliza Chica at
- Vezzosi, 2015, pp.631-632
- Arroyo Toropi-Level 3 at
- Agnolin, 2006, p.93
- Agnolin, 2006, p.83
- Agnolin, 2006, p.84
- Agnolin, 2006, p.86
- Agnolin, 2006, p.88
- Estación Anchorena at
- Esquina Blanca - Middle Unit at
- Charana at
- Jalquincha 1 at
- Left bank of La Ensenada Creek at
- East Yauca at
- 20 km west of Cochabamba at
- Olivares & Verzi, 2015
- Punta San Andrés at
- Arroyo Tarariras at
- Ayo Ayo tuff at
- Arroyo Loberia at
- 15 km N Mar del Plata at
- Yauca at
- Tonni & Noriega, 1996
- Daza et al., 2012
- Mar del Plata at
- Bajada las Palomas at
- First point north of Barranca de los Lobos, level III-IV at
- Punta Martinez de Hoz, level III at
- First bajada north of Canada Chapar at
- Diamente Department at
- Barbière et al., 2016
- Los Sauces River at
- Cantera Díaz Nogarol at
- Castro et al., 2014
- Vergel Member at
- Playa Kiyu at
- Sierra de Los Colorados at
- Toro Negro at
- Esquina Blanca - Lower Unit at
- Moreno et al., 2015, p.35
- Amson et al., 2016, pp.3–15
- Pérez et al., 2017
- Degrange et al., 2015
- Pérez Ben et al., 2019
- Norte Casa Chiguaje at
- Police Station 470062 at
- Barbière et al., 2018
- Monte Hermoso at
- Farola Monte Hermoso FI Facies at
- Farola Monte Hermoso FM Facies at
- Farola Monte Hermoso St Facies at
- Farola Monte Hermoso Fcf Facies at
- Farola Monte Hermoso at
- Barrancas de Monte Hermoso at
- Farola Monte Hermoso Fsc Facies at
- Armella et al., 2018
- Candela & Bonini, 2017
- Santa Maria Valley Andalhuala Fm at
- Bahia Inglesa Unit 3 at
- Cuenca del Tiburón at
- Casira Formation at
- Carrillo et al., 2018
- Casa el Jebe at
- La Meseta at
- Road to Tio Gregorio Locality at
- Urumaco, Biozona 4 Loc 85-FC at
- Mirandabradys Urumaco 03 at
- 1.5 km Northwest of Cerro Chiguaje at
- Coquimbo at
- Bahia de Guayacan at
- Bahia Herradura at
- Corral Quemado at
- La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia at
- RHM Locality 4 at
- El Yacural at
- Remedios at
- Punta Bermeja at
- Arroyo La Petra at
- Puerto Arazatí at
- Pujos et al., 2016
- Umala, La Paz, Bolivia at
- Ayo Ayo at
- Benson, 2015
- Los Dedos, Pliocene at
- La Cantera at
- Chanaral de Aceituno at
- Nicoli, 2015
- Farola Monte Hermoso Neocavia at
- CTA-42 at
- CTA-59 at
- Tongoy area Unit 11 at
- Súa Member at
- Punta la Gorda at
- Punta la Colorada at
- Puerta del Diablo at
- Flynn, J., and C.C. Swisher. 1995. Cenozoic South American Land Mammal Ages: correlation to global geochronology. Geochronology Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation, SEPM Special Publication 54. 317–333.
- Paleogene
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- Woodburne, M.O.; F.J. Goin; M. Bond; A.A. Carlini; J.N. Gelfo; G.M. López; A. Iglesias, and A.N. Zimicz. 2013. Paleogene Land Mammal Faunas of South America; a Response to Global Climatic Changes and Indigenous Floral Diversity. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 21. 1–73. Accessed 2019-02-15.
Pebas Wetlands
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- Paleogene
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- Pleistocene
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- Austral Basin
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- Santa María-Hualfín Basin
- Bonini, Ricardo Adolfo. 2014. Bioestratigrafía y diversidad de los mamíferos del Neógeno de San Fernando y Puerta de Corral Quemado (Catamarca, Argentina) (PhD thesis), 1–337. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Accessed 2018-09-10.
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- Santa Fe Province
- Vezzosi, Raúl Ignacio. 2015. Diversidad de los mamíferos del Pleistoceno de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina: aspectos taxonómicos, bioestratigráficos y paleobiogeográficos relacionados (PhD thesis), 1–913. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Accessed 2018-09-11.
- Aconquija Formation
- Armella, Matías A.; Daniel A. García López, and Lucía Dominguez. 2018. A new species of Xotodon (Notoungulata, Toxodontidae) from northwestern Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 38. e1425882. Accessed 2019-02-11.
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- Agua de la Piedra Formation
- Cerdeño, Esperanza, and Marcelo Reguero. 2015. The Hegetotheriidae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) assemblage from the late Oligocene of Mendoza, central-western Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35. e907173. Accessed 2015-02-13.
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- Aisol Formation
- Forasiepi, Analía M.; Esperanza Cerdeño; Mariano Bond; Gabriela I. Schmidt; Maximiliano Naipauer; Fiona R. Straehl; Agustín G. Martinelli; Alberto C. Garrido, and Mark D. Schmitz and James L. Crowley. 2015. New toxodontid (Notoungulata) from the Early Miocene of Mendoza, Argentina. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 89. 611–634. Accessed 2019-02-13.
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- Andalhuala Formation
- Candela, Adriana M., and Ricardo A. Bonini. 2017. A new guinea pig (Rodentia, Caviomorpha) from northwestern Argentina: Implications for the origin of the genus Cavia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 37. e1352591. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Andesitas Huancache Formation
- Goin, Francisco J.; Marcelo F. Tejedor; Laura Chornogubsky; Guillermo M. López; Javier N. Gelfo; Mariano Bond; Michael O. Woodburne; Yamila Gurovich, and Marcelo Reguero. 2012. Persistence of a Mesozoic, non-therian mammalian lineage (Gondwanatheria) in the mid-Paleogene of Patagonia. Naturwissenschaften 99. 449–463. Accessed 2019-02-15.
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- Arroyo Chasicó Formation
- González Ruiz, Laureano R.; Gustavo J. Scillato Yané; Cecilia M. Krmpotic, and Alfredo A. Carlini. 2012. A new species of Peltephilidae (Mammalia: Xenarthra: Cingulata) from the late Miocene (Chasicoan SALMA) of Argentina. Zootaxa 3359. 55–64. Accessed 2019-02-15.
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- Belgrano Formation
- Agnolin, Federico. 2006. Dos nuevos Anatidae (Aves, Anseriformes) del Pleistoceno inferior-medio de Argentina. Stud. Geol. Salmant. 42. 81–95. Accessed 2017-10-02.
- Bororó Formation
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- Brochero Formation
- Barbière, Franck; Laura E. Cruz; Pablo E. Ortiz, and Ulyses F. J. Pardiñas. 2016. A new genus of Sigmodontinae (Mammalia, Rodentia, Cricetidae) from the Pliocene of Central Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36. e1199557. Accessed 2019-02-12.
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- Casamayor Formation
- Raigemborn, María Sol; Javier M. Krause; Eduardo Bellosi, and Sergio D. Matheos. 2010. Redefinición estratigráfica del Grupo Río Chico (Paleógeno Superior), en el norte de la Cuenca del Golfo San Jorge, Chubut. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 67. 239–256. Accessed 2017-10-18.
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- Cerro Azul Formation
- Goin, F.J.; C. Montalvo, and G. Visconti. 2000. Los marsupiales (Mammalia) del Mioceno superior de la Formación Cerro Azul (Provincia de La Pampa, Argentina). Estudios Geológicos 56. 101–126. Accessed 2017-08-15.
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- Sostillo, Renata; Claudia I. Montalvo, and Diego H. Verzi. 2014. A new species of Reigechimys (Rodentia, Echimyidae) from the Late Miocene of central Argentina and the evolutionary pattern of the lineage. Ameghiniana 51. 284–294. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Cerro Bandera Formation
- Kramarz, Alejandro G.; Mariano Bond, and Michelle Arnal. 2015. Systematic description of three new mammals (Notoungulata and Rodentia) from the early Miocene Cerro Bandera Formation, northern Patagonia, Argentina. Ameghiniana 52. 585–597. Accessed 2019-02-13.
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- Chapadmalal Formation
- Elissamburu, Andrea; Alejandro Dondas, and Luciano de Santis. 2011. Morfometría de las paleocuevas de la "Fm." Chapadmalal y su asignación a Actenomys (Rodentia), Paedotherium (Notoungulata) y otros mamíferos fósiles hospedantes. Mastozoología Neotropical 18. 227–238. Accessed 2018-09-10.
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- Chichinales Formation
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- Chiquimil Formation
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- Collón Curá Formation
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- Deseado Formation
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- Divisadero Largo Formation
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- La Ensenada Formation
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- Las Flores Formation, Sierra del Tontal
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- Las Flores Formation, Golfo San Jorge Basin
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- Fortín Tres Pozos Formation
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- Zurita, Alfredo Eduardo; Ángel Ramón Miño Boilini; Alfredo Armando Carlini; Martín Iriondo, and María Alejandra Alcaraz. 2009. Paleontología del Chaco Oriental. Una nueva localidad con mamíferos fósiles pleistocenos en el río Bermejo (Formosa, Argentina). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 26. 277–288. Accessed 2018-09-03.
- Gaiman Formation
- Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina. 2007. Revisión sistemática de Palaeospheniscus biloculata (Simpson) nov. comb. (Aves, Spheniscidae) de la Formación Gaiman (Mioceno Temprano), Chubut, Argentina. Ameghiniana 44. 417–426. Accessed 2018-09-11.
- Viglino, Mariana; Mónica R. Buono; Carolina S. Gutstein; Mario A. Cozzuol, and José I. Cuitiño. 2018. A new dolphin from the early Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina: Insights into the evolution of Platanistoidea in the Southern Hemisphere. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 63. 261–277. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Geste Formation
- Ciancio, Martín R; Claudia Herrera; Alejandro Aramayo; Patricio Payrola, and Judith Babot. 2016. Diversity of cingulate xenarthrans in the middle–late Eocene of Northwestern Argentina. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 61. 575–590. Accessed 2018-09-10.
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- Gran Bajo del Gualicho Formation
- Reichler, Valeria A. 2010. Estratigrafía y paleontología del Cenozoico marino del Gran Bajo y Salinas del Gualicho, Argentina, y descripción de 17 especies nuevas. Andean Geology 31. 177–219. Accessed 2018-09-11.
- Hernandarias Formation
- Segovia, Román. 2014. Micropaleontología del Cuaternario del sector austral del litoral, Argentina (PhD thesis), 1–372. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Huayquerías Formation
- Forasiepi, Analía M.; Ross D.E. MacPhee; Santiago Hernández del Pino; Gabriela I. Schmidt; Eli Amson, and Camille Grohé. 2016. Exceptional skull of Huayqueriana (Mammalia, Litopterna, Macraucheniidae) from the Late Miocene of Argentina: anatomy, systematics and paleobiological implications. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 404. 1–76. Accessed 2018-10-01.
- Garrido, Alberto C.; Ricardo Bonini, and David L. Barbeau. 2017. Paleoambiente, edad y vertebrados de la Formación Huayquerías, Mioceno tardio, Provincia de Mendoza, Republica Argentina, 50–55. XX Congreso Geológico Argentino. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Huitrera Formation
- Escosteguy, Leonardo, and Mario Franchi. 2010. Estratigrafía de la región de Chapelco, Provincia del Neuquén. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 66. 418–429. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- India Muerta Formation
- García López, Daniel A., and M. Judith Barbot. 2015. A late Miocene Argyrolagidae (Mammalia, Metatheria, Bonapartheriiformes) from northwestern Argentina. Ameghiniana 52. 314–323. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- La Invernada Formation
- Combina, Ana María, and María Lidia Sánchez. 2003. Análisis sedimentológico de la Formación La Invernada, Pleistoceno Tardío-Holoceno, pedemonte de las Sierras de Comechingones, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Revista Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología 10. 123–135. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Ituzaingó Formation
- Brandoni, Diego. 2014. A new genus of Megalonychidae (Mammalia, Xenarthra) from the Late Miocene of Argentina. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 17. 33–42. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Franco, María Jimena; Mariana Brea; Óscar Orfeo, and Alejandro F. Zucol. 2013. La paleoflora de la Formación Ituzaingó, Argentina. El Neógeno de la Mesopotamia argentina, Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Publicación Especial 14. 41–55. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Scillato Yané, Gustavo J.; Flávio Góis; Alfredo E. Zurita; Alfredo A. Carlini; Laureano R. González Ruiz; Cecilia M. Krmpotic; Cristian Oliva, and Martín Zamorano. 2013. Los Cingulata (Mammalia, Xenarthra) del "Conglomerado Osífero" (Miocene tardío) de la Formación Ituzaingó de Entre Ríos, Argentina. Revista de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina Publicación Especial 14. 118–134. Accessed 2018-10-01.
- Koluel Kaike Formation
- Raigemborn, María Sol; Javier M. Krause; Eduardo Bellosi, and Sergio D. Matheos. 2010. Redefinición estratigráfica del Grupo Río Chico (Paleógeno inferior), en el norte de la Cuenca del Golfo San Jorge, Chubut. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 67. 239–256. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Laguna Brava Formation
- Vizán, H.; S. Geuna; R. Melchor; E.S. Bellosi; S.L. Lagorio; C. Vásquez; M.S. Japas; G. Ré, and M. Do Campo. 2013. Geological setting and paleomagnetism of the Eocene red beds of Laguna Brava Formation (Quebrada Santo Domingo, northwestern Argentina). Tectonophysics 583. 105–123.
- Laguna del Hunco Formation
- Wilf, Peter; Kirk R. Johnson; N. Rubén Cúneo; M. Elliot Smith; Bradley S. Singer, and Maria A. Gandolfo. 2005. Eocene Plant Diversity at Laguna del Hunco and Río Pichileufú, Patagonia, Argentina. The American Naturalist 135. 634–650. Accessed 2017-10-26.
- Lefipán Formation
- Goin, Francisco & Rosendo Pascual, Marcelo F. Tejedor, Javier N. Gelfo, Michael O. Woodburne, Judd A. Case, Marcelo A. Reguero, Mariano Bond, Guillermo M. López, Alberto L. Cione, Daniel Udrizar Sautheir, Lucía Balarino, Roberto A. Scassos, Francisco A. Medina and María C. Ubaldón. 2006. The earliest Tertiary therian mammal from South America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26. 505–510. Accessed 2017-10-26.
- Leticia Formation
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- Loma de Las Tapias Formation
- Deschamps, Cecilia M.; Emma C. Vieytes; A. Itatí Olivares, and María G. Vucetich. 2009. Primer registro de Cardiatherium chasicoense (Rodentia, Hydrochoeridae) fuera del área pampeana (Argentina) y su valor bioestratigráfico. Ameghiniana 46. 295–305. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Mones, Álvaro. 2014. Contrerascynus, new name for Simpsonia Contreras, 1990 (Mammalia, Sparassodonta, Hathlyacynidae), non Rochebrune, 1904 (Bivalvia, Unionidae), non Baker, 1911 (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae). Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 17. 435–436. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Olivares, A. Itatí; Diego H. Verzi; Victor H. Contreras, and Leila Pessôa. 2016. A new Echimyidae (Rodentia, Hystricomorpha) from the late Miocene of southern South America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 37. e1239204. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Luján Formation
- Blasi, Adriana et al. 2010. Paleoambientes de la cuenca media del Río Luján (Buenos Aires, Argentina) durante el último periodo glacial (EIO 4-2). Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis 17. 85–111. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Fucks, Enrique; Adriana Blasi; Jorge Carbonari; Roberto Huarte; Florencia Pisano, and Marina Aguirre. 2011. Evolución geológica y geomorfológica de la cuenca del Río Areco, NE de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 68. 109–120. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Lumbrera Formation
- Deraco, Virginia, and Daniel A. García López. 2015. A new Eocene Toxodontia (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from northwestern Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36. e1037884. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Herrera, Claudia M. R.; Jaime E. Powell; Graciela I. Esteban, and Cecilia Del Papa. 2017. A New Eocene Dasypodid with Caniniforms (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Cingulata) from Northwest Argentina. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 24. 275–288. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Del Papa, Cecilia E. 2006. Estratigrafía y paleoambientes de la Formación Lumbrera, Grupo Salta, Noroeste argentino. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 61. 313–327. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Maimará Formation
- Abello, María Alejandra; Martín De los Reyes; Adriana Magdalena Candela; François Pujos; Damián Voglino, and Bernardino Mamani Quispe. 2015. Description of a new species of Sparassocynus (Marsupialia: Didelphoidea: Sparassocynidae) from the late Miocene of Jujuy (Argentina) and taxonomic review of Sparassocynus heterotopicus from the Pliocene of Bolivia. Zootaxa 3937. 147–160. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Bonini, Ricardo A.; Gabriela I. Schmidt; Marcelo A. Reguero; Esperanza Cerdeño; Adriana M. Candela, and Natalia Solís. 2017. First record of Toxodontidae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from the late Miocene–early Pliocene of the southern central Andes, NW Argentina. Journal of Paleontology 91. 566–576. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Pujos, François; Adriana Candela; Claudia I. Galli; Beatriz L. Coiras; Marcelo A. Reguero; Martín de los Reyes, and María Alejandra Abello. 2012. The Scelidotherine Proscelidodon (Xenarthra: Mylodontidae) from the Late Miocene of Maimará (Northwestern Argentina, Jujuy Province). Ameghiniana _. 1–7. Accessed 2018-10-01.
- Maíz Gordo Formation
- Narváez, Paula Liliana. 2009. Palinoestratigrafía, paleoambientes y cambios climáticos durante el Cretácico final y Paleógeno de la Cuenca del Grupo Salta, República Argentina (PhD thesis), 1–229. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Accessed 2017-10-18.
- Mariño Formation
- Cerdeño, Esperanza; Bárbara Vera, and Ana María Combina. 2018. A new early Miocene Mesotheriidae (Notoungulata) from the Mariño Formation (Argentina): Taxonomic and biostratigraphic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 88. 118–131. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Cerdeño, Esperanza, and M. Guiomar Vucetich. 2007. The first rodent from the Mariño Formation (Miocene) at Divisadero Largo (Mendoza, Argentina) and its biochronological implications. Andean Geology 34. 199–207. Accessed 2017-10-23.
- Mealla Formation
- Sánchez, María Cristina, and Rosa A. Marquillas. 2010. Facies y ambientes del Grupo Salta (Cretácico-Paleógeno) en Tumbaya, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Provincia de Jujuy. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 67. 383–391. Accessed 2018-09-07.
- Miramar & San Andrés Formations
- Gaudioso, P.J.; G.M. Gasparini; R. Herbst, and R.M. Bárquez. 2017. First record of the Neolicaphrium recens Frenguelli, 1921 (Mammalia, Litopterna) in the Pleistocene of Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 57. 23–29. Accessed 2019-02-28.
- Isla, Federico; Matías Taglioretti, and Alejandro Dondas. 2015. Revisión y nuevos aportes sobre la estratigrafía y sedimentología de los acantilados entre Mar de Cobo y Miramar, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 72. 235–250. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Olivares, A.I., and D.H. Verzi. 2015. Systematics, phylogeny and evolutionary pattern of the hystricognath rodent Eumysops (Echimyidae) from the Plio–Pleistocene of southern South America. Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology 27. 1042–1061. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Monte Hermoso Formation
- Agnolin, Federico L.; Sergio Bogan; Rodrigo L. Tomassini, and Teresa Manera. 2014. Nuevo Percichthyidae (Teleostei, Percoidei) del Plioceno temprano de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) y sus implicancias biogeográficas. Revista del Museo de Ciencias Naturales 16. 19–31. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Albino, Adriana M.; Tomassini Rodrigo, and Santiago Brizuela. 2009. Presencia del lagarto teiido Tupinambis en la FormaciónMonte Hermoso de Farola Monte Hermoso, sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Ameghiniana 46. 177–187. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Barbière, Franck; Pablo E. Ortiz, and Ulyses F.J. Pardiñas. 2018. The oldest sigmodontine rodent revisited and the age of the first South American cricetids. Journal of Paleontology Online edition. _. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Bogan, Sergio, and Federico L. Agnolin. 2009. Primer registro fósil de la familia Trichomycteridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes; Plioceno) en la Formación Monte Hermoso, Argentina. Revista del Museo de Ciencias Naturales 11. 193–198. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Nicoli, Laura. 2015. New fossil species of the extant genus Lepidobatrachus (Anura, Ceratophryidae) from the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene of central Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35. e981636. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Monte León Formation
- Náñez, Carolina; Mirta E. Quattrocchio, and Liliana Ruiz. 2009. Palinología y micropaleontología de las Formaciones San Julián y Monte León (Oligoceno - Mioceno temprano) en el subsuelo de cabo Curioso, provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina. Ameghiniana 46. 669–693. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- El Morterito Formation
- Morton, Lourdes S., and Rafael Herbst. 2007. Gastrópodos de la Formación El Morterito (Mioceno Superior), Valle del Cajón, provincia de Catamarca, Argentina. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 9. 153–160. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Palo Pintado Formation
- Anzótegui, Luisa M., and Maricel Yarina Horn. 2011. Megaflora de la Formación Palo Pintado (Mioceno Superior) Salta, Argentina Parte II. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 14. 239–254. Accessed 2017-10-22.
- Galli, Claudia Inés; Luisa Matilde Anzótegui; Maricel Yanina Horn, and Lourdes Susana Morton. 2011. Paleoambiente y paleocomunidades de la Formación Palo Pintado (Mioceno-Plioceno), Provincia de Salta, Argentina. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 28. 161–174. Accessed 2017-10-22.
- Reguero, Marcelo A.; Adriana M. Candela; Claudia I. Galli; Ricardo Bonini, and Damián Voglino. 2015. A new Hypsodont Notoungulate (Hegetotheriidae, Pachyrukhinae) from the late Miocene of the Eastern Cordillera, Salta province, Northwest of Argentina. Andean Geology 42. 56–70. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Paraná Formation
- Brea, Mariana; María Jimena Franco, and Alejandro F. Zucol. 2013. Paleoflora de la Formación Paraná (Mioceno Tardío), Cuenca Chaco-Paranaense, Argentina. El Neógeno de la Mesopotamia argentina, Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Publicación Especial 14. 41–55. Accessed 2018-09-03.
- Cione, Alberto Luis; Daniel Alfredo Cabrera, and María Julia Barla. 2012. Oldest record of the Great White Shark (Lamnidae, Carcharodon; Miocene) in the Southern Atlantic. Geobios 45. 167–172. Accessed 2017-10-22.
- Martín Pérez, Leandro. 2013. Sistemática, tafonomía y paleoecología de los invertebrados de la Formación Paraná (Mioceno), Provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina (PhD thesis), 1–398. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Peñas Coloradas Formation
- Clyde, William C.; Peter Wilf; Ari Iglesias; Rudy L. Slingerland; Peter K. Bijl; Timothy J. Bralower; Henk Brinkhuis; Emily Comer, and Brian T. Huber, Mauricio Ibañez Mejia, Brian R. Jicha, J. Marcelo Krause, Jonathan D. Schueth, Bradley S. Singer, María Sol Raigemborn, Mark D. Schmitz, Appy Sluijs, and María del Carmen Zamaloa. 2014. New age constraints for the Salamanca Formation and lower Río Chico Group in the western San Jorge Basin, Patagonia, Argentina: Implications for Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction recovery and land mammal age correlations. GSA Bulletin 126. 289–306. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Raigemborn, María Sol; Javier M. Krause; Eduardo Bellosi, and Sergio D. Matheos. 2010. Redefinición estratigráfica del Grupo Río Chico (Paleógeno inferior), en el norte de la Cuenca del Golfo San Jorge, Chubut. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 67. 239–256. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Pinturas Formation
- Kramarz, Alejandro G., and Mariano Bond. 2005. Los Litopterna (Mammalia) de la Formación Pinturas, Mioceno Temprano-Medio de Patagonia. Ameghiniana 42. 611–625. Accessed 2017-08-15.
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- Piquete Formation
- González Bonorino, Gustavo, and Liliana del Valle Abascal. 2012. Orogénesis y drenaje en la región del Valle de Lerma (Cordillera Oriental, Salta, Argentina) durante Pleistoceno tardio. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 69. 127–141. Accessed 2018-10-01.
- Playa de Los Lobos Allo Formation
- Degrange, Federico J.; Claudia P. Tambussi; Matías L. Taglioretti; Alejandro Dondas, and Fernando Scaglia. 2015. A new Mesembriornithinae (Aves, Phorusrhacidae) provides new insights into the phylogeny and sensory capabilities of terror birds. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35. e912656. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Puerta del Diablo Formation
- Cione, Alberto Luis; Jorge Rafael Casciotta; María de las Mercedes Azpelicueta; María Julia Barla, and Mario Alberto Cozzuol. 2005. Peces marinos y continentales del Mioceno del área mesopotámica argentina. Edad y relaciones biogeográficas. INSUGEO 14. 49–64. Accessed 2017-10-27.
- Puerto Madryn Formation
- Acosta Hospitaleche, C.; C. Tambussi; M. Donato, and M. Cozzuol. 2007. A new Miocene penguin from Patagonia and its phylogenetic relationships. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52. 299–314. Accessed 2017-10-25.
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- Quebrada de Los Colorados Formation
- Chornogubsky, Laura; A. Natalia Zimicz; Francisco J. Goin; Juan C. Fernicola; Patricio Payrola, and Magalí Cárdenas. 2018. New Palaeogene metatherians from the Quebrada de Los Colorados Formation at Los Cardones National Park (Salta Province, Argentina). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology Online edition. 1–17. Accessed 2018-10-01.
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- Río Chico Group
- Raigemborn, María Sol; Javier M. Krause; Eduardo Bellosi, and Sergio D. Matheos. 2010. Redefinición estratigráfica del Grupo Río Chico (Paleógeno inferior), en el norte de la Cuenca del Golfo San Jorge, Chubut. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 67. 239–256. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Río Foyel Formation
- Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina; Miguel Griffin; Marcos Asensio; Alberto Luis Cione, and Claudia Tambussi. 2013. Middle Cenozoic penguin remains from the Patagonian Cordillera. Andean Geology 40. 490–503. Accessed 2017-10-26.
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- Río Loro Formation
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- Río Mayo Formation
- Escosteguy, Leonardo; Carlos Dal Molín; Mario Franchi; Silvena Guena; Omar Lapido, and Adolfo Genini. 2003. Hoja Geológica 4772-II Lago Buenos Aires, 1–80. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales, Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Río Negro Formation
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- Río Quinto Formation
- Cerdeño, Esperanza; Jorge Chiesa, and Guillermo Ojeda. 2008. Presence of Oxyodontherium (Macraucheniidae, Litopterna)in the Río Quinto Formation, San Luis (Argentina). Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25. 217–226. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Saladillo Formation
- Brambilla, Luciano, and Damián Alberto Ibarra. 2017. A new species of Eutatus Gervais (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) from the Late Pleistocene of the Northern Pampean Region, Argentina. Palaeontologia Electronica 20. Article number 20.1.13A. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Salamanca Formation
- Apesteguia, Sebastián; Raúl O. Gómez, and Guillermo W. Rougier. 2014. The youngest South American rhynchocephalian, a survivor of the K/Pg extinction. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281. 20140811.
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- Clyde, William C.; Peter Wilf; Ari Iglesias; Rudy L. Slingerland; Timothy Barnum; Peter K. Bijl; Timothy J. Bralower; Henk Brinkhuis, and Emily E. Comer, Brian T. Huber, Mauricio Ibañez Mejia, Brian R. Jicha, J. Marcelo Krause, Jonathan D. Schueth, Bradley S. Singer, María Sol Raigemborn, Mark D. Schmitz, Appy Sluijs, María del Carmen Zamaloa. 2014. New age constraints for the Salamanca Formation and lower Río Chico Group in the western San Jorge Basin, Patagonia, Argentina: Implications for Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction recovery and land mammal age correlations. GSA Bulletin 126. 289–306. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Jud, Nathan A.; Maria A. Gandolfo; Ari Iglesias, and Peter Wilf. 2017. Flowering after disaster: Early Danian buckthorn (Rhamnaceae) flowers and leaves from Patagonia. PLOS ONE 12. e0176164. Accessed 2019-02-14.
- Ruiz, Daniela P.; Mariana Brea; M. Sol Raigemborn, and Sergio D. Matheos. 2017. Conifer woods from the Salamanca Formation (early Paleocene), Central Patagonia, Argentina: Paleoenvironmental implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76. 427–445. Accessed 2019-02-14.
- Saldungaray Formation
- Verzi, Diego H.; Claudia I. Montalvo, and Cecilia M. Deschamps. 2008. Biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Late Miocene of central Argentina: Evidence from rodents and taphonomy. Geobios 41. 145–155. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Salicas Formation
- Brandoni, Diego; Gabriela I. Schmidt; Adriana M. Candela; Jorge I. Noriega; Ernesto Brunetto, and Lucas E. Fiorelli. 2012. Mammals from the Salicas Formation (Late Miocene), La Rioja Province, Northwestern Argentina: Paleobiogeography, age and paleoenvironment. Ameghiniana 49. 1–13. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Santa Cruz Formation
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- Toro Negro Formation
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- Uquía Formation
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- Vorohué Formation
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- Casira Formation
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- Cerdas beds
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- Lacayani fauna
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- Ñuapua Formation
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- Santa Lucía Formation
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- Tarija Formation
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- Umala Formation
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- Entre-Corrégos Formation
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- Guabirotuba Formation
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- Içá Formation
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- Itaboraí Formation
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- Maria Farinha Formation
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- Pirabas Formation
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- Rio Madeira Formation
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- Santa Vitória Formation
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- Solimões Formation
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- Touro Passo Formation
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- Tremembé Formation
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- Abanico Formation
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- Bahía Inglesa Formation
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- Caleta Herradura Formation
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- Loreto Formation
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- Río Baguales Formation
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- Altiplano Cundiboyacense
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- Cesar-Ranchería Basin
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- Mugrosa Formation
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- Sincelejo Formation
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- Biblián Formation
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- Dos Bocas Formation
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- Letrero Formation
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- Onzole Formation
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- Seca Formation
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- Peruvian Amazon
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- Chambira Formation
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- Chilcatay Formation
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- Chota Formation
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- Iñapari Formation
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- Madre de Dios Formation
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- Mogollón Formation
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- Moquegua Formation
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- Muñani Formation
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- Paracas Formation
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- Pisco Formation
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- Pozo Formation
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- Soncco Formation
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- Yahuarango Formation
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- Yumaque Formation
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- Pleistocene
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- Camacho Formation
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- Dolores Formation
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- Fray Bentos Formation
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- Raigón Formation
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- San José Formation
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- Sopas Formation
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- Chaguaramas Formation
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- Parángula Formation
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- Falcón Basin
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- Capadare Formation
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- Castillo Formation
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- Mesa Formation
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- Río Yuca Formation
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- San Gregorio Formation
- Carlini, Alfredo A.; Diego Brandoni; Rodolfo Sánchez, and Marcelo R. Sánchez Villagra. 2018. A new Megatheriinae skull (Xenarthra, Tardigrada) from the Pliocene of Northern Venezuela – implications for a giant sloth dispersal to Central and North America. Palaeontologia Electronica 21. Article number. Accessed 2019-02-11.
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- Santa Inés Formation
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- Urumaco, Socorro & Codore Formations
- Carrillo Briceño, Jorge D.; Erin Maxwell; Órangel A. Aguilera; Rodolfo Sánchez, and Marcelo R. Sánchez Villagra. 2015. Sawfishes and Other Elasmobranch Assemblages from the Mio-Pliocene of the South Caribbean (Urumaco Sequence, Northwestern Venezuela). PLoS ONE 10. e0139230. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Linares, Omar J. 2004. Bioestratigrafía de la fauna de mamíferos de las formaciones Socorro, Urumaco y Codore (Mioceno Medio-Plioceno Temprano) de la región de Urumaco, Falcón, Venezuela. Paleobiología Neotropical 1. 1–26. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Quijano Ballesteros, Jhon Richard. 2005. Estudio magnetoestratigráfico en la sección de El Mamón (miembro medio de la Formación Urumaco, Estado Falcón) (MSc. thesis), 1–92. Universidad Simón Bolívar. Accessed 2017-10-27.
- Rincón, Ascanio D.; Andrés Solórzano; H. Gregory McDonald, and Marisol Montellano Ballesteros. 2018. Two new megalonychid sloths (Mammalia: Xenarthra) from the Urumaco Formation (late Miocene), and their phylogenetic affinities. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 17. 409–421. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Rincón, Ascanio D.; H. Gregory McDonald; Andrés Solórzano; Mónica Núñez Flores, and Damián Ruiz Ramoni. 2015. A new enigmatic Late Miocene mylodontoid sloth from northern South America. Royal Society Open Science 2. 140256. Accessed 2019-02-13.
Further reading
- Prado, José Luis, and María Teresa Alberdi. 2017. Fossil Horses of South America: Phylogeny, Systemics and Ecology, 1–150. Springer ISBN 9783319558776. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Croft, Darin A. 2016. Horned Armadillos and Rafting Monkeys: The Fascinating Fossil Mammals of South America, 1–320. Indiana University Press ISBN 9780253020949. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Fariña, Richard A.; Sergio F. Vizcaíno, and Gerry De Iuliis. 2013. Megafauna: Giant Beasts of Pleistocene South America, 1–448. Indiana University Press ISBN 9780253007193. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Fleagle, John G., and Alfred L. Rosenberger. 2013. The Platyrrhine Fossil Record, 1–256. Elsevier ISBN 9781483267074. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Tambussi, Claudia P., and Federico Degrange. 2012. South American and Antarctic Continental Cenozoic Birds: Paleobiogeographic Affinities and Disparities, 1–113. Springer ISBN 9789400754676. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Vizcaíno, Sergio F.; Richard F. Kay, and Susana Bargo. 2012. Early Miocene Paleobiology in Patagonia: High-Latitude Paleocommunities of the Santa Cruz Formation, 1–370. Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521194617. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Madden, Richard H. 2010. The Paleontology of Gran Barranca: Evolution and Environmental Change Through the Middle Cenozoic of Patagonia, 1–448. Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521872416. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Sánchez Villagra, Marcelo R.; Órangel A. Aguilera, and Alfredo A. Carlini. 2010. Urumaco and Venezuelan Paleontology: The Fossil Record of the Northern Neotropics, 1–304. Indiana University Press ISBN 9780253002006. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Croft, Darin A.; John J. Flynn, and André R. Wyss. 2004. Notoungulata and Litopterna of the Early Miocene Chucal Fauna, Northern Chile. Fieldiana Geology 50. 1–52. Accessed 2018-09-29.
- Hartwig, W.C., and D.J. Meldrum. 2002. The Primate Fossil Record - Miocene platyrrhines of the northern Neotropics, 175–188. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-08141-2. Accessed 2017-09-24.
- Kay, Richard F.; Richard H. Madden; John J. Flynn, and Richard L. Cifelli. 1997. Vertebrate Paleontology in the Neotropics: The Miocene Fauna of La Venta, Colombia, 1–608. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press ISBN 9781935623854. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Simpson, George Gaylord. 1996. Splendid Isolation: The Curious History of South American Mammals, 1–275. UMI ISBN 9780783733111. Accessed 2017-10-21.
- Pascual, Rosendo; Enrique J. Ortega Hinjosoa; Dolores Gondar, and Eduardo Tonni. 1965. Las edades del Cenozoico mamalífero de la Argentina, con especial atención a aquellas del territorio bonaerense. Anales C.I.C. _. 165–193. Accessed 2018-09-10.