International rankings of India

The following lists show's India's international rankings in various fields and topics.

India is a democratic country which got independent on 15 August 1947.


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
Population2 / 235WorldometerThe current population of India is 1,383,974,858 as of Saturday, 17 October 2020[1]
Population density21 / 207World BankIt was 454.938 people per square kilometer in 2018.[2]
Fertility rate102 / 201World BankThe total fertility rate in India was 2.2 children per woman in 2018.[3]
Population growth rate (yearly) 107 / 216 World Bank India population growth rate in the year 2019 was 1.015%.
Area 7 / 194 United Nations Statistics Division(UNSD) The area of india is 3,287,263 km square.
Net migration (rate)1 / 194Micro TrendsThe current net migration rate for India in 2020 is -0.369 per 1000 population, a 3.66% decline from 2019.[4]
Net migrants2 / 194World Bank2012 – 2,598,218 emigrated
Life expectancy134 / 195Human development Index2018 – 69.4 years[5]
Infant Mortality113 / 223CIA2017 est – 32 per 1000[6]
Ethnic and cultural diversity17/ 215Fearon Analysis[7]2003
Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus2 / 194International Diabetes Federation2017 (72.95 of 425 million diagnosed adult diabetics, live in India)[8]
Rate of Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus48 / 194International Diabetes Federation2017 – Percentage of Population affected by Diabetes – 10.39%
Cigarette consumption12 / 185tobaccoatlas.org2014[9]
Cigarette consumption per capita185 / 185tobaccoatlas.org2014
Alcohol consumption per capita76 / 191World Health Organization2014
Global Hunger Index94/107International Food Policy Research InstituteOct 2020 report
Suicide rate19 / 176World Health Organization
Health Expenditure per capita (PPP)141 / 190World Health Organization2014 – $267 (inflation-adjusted 2011 dollars)
Human Capital Index115 / 152World Bank2018[10]
Literacy rate168 / 2342011 Census of India2011 – 74.04%[11][12]
Human capital103 / 130WEF – The Global Human capital Report2017[13]
Education Index145 / 191United Nations2013
Programme for International Student Assessment72 to 74 / 74OECD2009
Linguistic diversity index14 / 232SIL International2017
Official languages2 / 4122 official languages
English-speaking population2 / 133Census of India10.35% (125,226,449) English speakers out of 1,210,000,000 eligible population


List India Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
World Happiness Report144/156UN-SDSN20 March 2020 report. Score=3.573
Happy Planet Index30 / 140New Economics Foundation2016 – Score 29.2[14]
Aggregate metrics
Human Development Index129 / 189United Nations2019 report – score 0.647
Inequality-adjusted HDI94/ 151UNDP2020- score 0.538
Social Progress Index117 / 128Social Progress Imperative2020 report- score 56.80
Where-to-be-born Index72/ 80Economist Intelligence Unit2020- score 5.31
Legatum Prosperity Index101 / 149Legatum2020- score 53.64
Global Youth Development Index134 / 183Global Youth Development Index2016
List of countries by homeless population8 / 52Business Standard2011 – 1,770,000 homeless
Urbanization by country161 / 199CIA The World Factbook2015 est
Gun ownership2 / 179 total # firearms
94 / 179 per capita #
Small Arms Survey2017 – 71,101,000 civilian-held firearms or 5.3 guns per 100 residents
Global Gender Gap Report108 / 144World Economic Forum2018[15]
Gender Inequality Index76 / 188UNDP2017 – value: 0.524[5] – female Labour force participation rate: 26.8%[16]
State of the World's Mothers report/ 77Save the Children2010[17][18]
Intentional homicides2 / 219United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime2015 – 41,623 Intentional homicides
Global Slavery Index4 / 167Walk Free Foundation2016 – 18,354,700 living in modern slavery[19]
Global Terrorism Index 104/130 Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) 2017
Global Peace Index 139/163[20] 11 June 2020 report.



List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
GDP growth rate37 / 179World Bank2018-19 – 5.024%
Nominal GDP5 / 185World Bank2019 – US$2.875 trillion
GDP (PPP)3 / 189World Bank2019 – US$8.681 trillion
Per capita GDP (nominal)142 / 189World Bank2019 – US$2,104
Per capita GDP (PPP)126 / 187World Bank2019 – US$7,034
tax revenue to GDP ratio109 / 180The Heritage Foundation2015 – 17.7% of GDP
Imports11 / 222CIA The World Factbook2017 est – $426,800,000,000
Exports18 / 222CIA The World Factbook2017 est – $303,400,000,000
Received FDI19 / 115CIA The World Factbook2017 est – $367,500,000,000
Number of Billionaires3 / 71Forbes2018–131
Gold reserve8/ 18World Gold Council2020 Feb – 664.2tonnes
Public debt82 / 189CIA The World Factbook2016 est – 52.3% GDP NET / 41.11% GDP Gross
Foreign-Exchange reserves5/ 1932020 Sept
Minimum wages64 / 156 2017 – $743/yr (Bihar)
GNI nominal9 / 15World Bank2016 – value $2,027,964,000,000
GNI PPP3 / 15World Bank2016 – value $8,594,226,000,000 international dollars
GNI (PPP) per capita124 / 179World Bank2015 – $6,030 international dollars
Employment rate42 / 47OECD2012 – 53.3% of 15–64 year olds in employment
Business environment
Intellectual property Index 36/50 U.S Chambers of commerce 2019
Globalization Index107 / 184ETHZ KOF Index of Globalization 2017
World Competitiveness Yearbook scoreboard45 / 63IMD International 2017
Global Resilience Index60 / 130FM Global2017[21]
Index of Economic Freedom123 / 178The Wall Street Journal 2016
Quality-of-life index43 / 56Economist Intelligence Unit 2017
Ease of doing business index63 / 190Ease of doing business index2019
Global Competitiveness Index68 / 141World Economic Forum 2019
Index of Economic Freedom128 / 178The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal2016
Economic Freedom of the World95 / 157Fraser Institute2015 – score 6.63
Financial Development Index51 / 183IMF2016
Global Innovation Index 48 / 131 World Intellectual Property Organization 2020 report
IT industry competitiveness index18 / 66BSA Global Index 2016
ICT Development Index134 / 176International Telecommunication Union2017[22]
Global Innovation Index48 / 129Global Innovation Index2020
Space Competitiveness Index6 / 15Futron Corporation,2013
Networked Readiness Index91 / 139World Economic Forum2016 – Score 3.8[23]
Passengers carried in rail transport2 / 86International Union of Railways2016[24][25] – 8.224 billion passengers
Longest Railway platforms1 / 5The Times of India
rail transport network size3 / 149International Union of Railways2015 – 68,525 km
Traffic-related deaths2 / 180WHO2013 – 238,562 deaths
Vehicles per capita84 / 1632015 – 0.167 per capita, 55,725,543 total
Electricity production3 / 209BP2016 – 1,400,800
Steel production2 / 38World Steel Association2018 – 101.4 million metric tons
Coal production2 / 40BP - Statistical Review of World Energy2018 - 716 Mt
Coal consumption2 / 20Enerdata - Global Energy statistic yearbook2018 - 982 Mt


The following rankings involving technological advances in communication are taken from the CIA World Factbook.[26]

List World rank Source Demographics (est.)
Telephone Lines in Use11 / 218CIA The World Factbook2016 – 23 million est. (2019 Jan – 21.79 million [27][28])
Mobile Phones in Use2 / 2221,181,971,713 lines (90.15% density) for 1.28 billion population, as of January 2019[27]
Internet users (pct of population)141 / 228ITU estimate2017 – 40.142%[29]
Fixed-Broadband Internet subscribers10 / 228ITU estimate2017 - 17,856,024
4G LTE penetration15 / 75OpenSignal2017 – 81.56%
Internet connection speeds89 / 149Akamai Technologies2017 Q1 – Average 6.5Mbit/s[30]
Television broadcast stations4 / 2332016 – 857 licensed stations
Wikipedia edits per county11 / 165Wikimedia2013 – 2.9% of edits


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
Cricket – men's Test2/12International Cricket Council(ICC)3 Sept 2020
Cricket – men's ODI2/20International Cricket Council(ICC)16 Sep 2020
Cricket – men's T203/85International Cricket Council(ICC)17 Oct 2020
Cricket – women's ODI 2/10International Cricket Council(ICC)7 Oct 2020
Cricket -Women's T20I 3/56 International Cricket Council(ICC) 2 Oct 2020
Football – men's104/210FIFA1 Jan 2021
Football – women's55/159FIFA14 Aug 2020
Hockey -men's 4 / 90 International Hockey Federation(FIH) 4 Oct 2020
Hockey - women's 9 / 75 International Hockey Federation(FIH) 4 Oct 2020
Badminton 9 / 139 World Badminton Federation(BWF) 17 Mar 2020
Rugby Union – men's86 / 105World Rugby2019
Chess – All players4 / 184FIDE1 Jan 2020[31]
Chess – women's3 / 156FIDE1 Jan 2020[31]
Olympic All time Medal's Tally54 / 154IOCTotal=28 medals.




Paralympic Gold Medals64= / 122IOC2016 – 4 Golds from 11 Games (11 – Summer, 0 – Winter)
Paralympic Medals71 / 122IOC2016 – 12 medals from 11 Games (11 – Summer, 0 – Winter)


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
Film productions1 / 15UNESCO2019
Cinema box office3 / 15MPAA2016 – $1.9bn
Cinema admissions1 / 10European Audiovisual Observatory2013 – 9,164,000,000


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
Corruption Perceptions Index80 / 179Transparency International2019[32]
Press Freedom Index142 / 180Reporters Without Borders2020
Soft power24 / 25Monocle2018-19[33]
Monocle Soft power in Asia7 / 10Monocle2016–17[34]
The Asia Soft power 108 / 10Portland2018[35]
Rule of Law Index68 / 113World Justice Project2019[36]
Democracy Index51/165Economist Intelligence Unit2019 (6.90 / 10 flawed democracy )
Democracy Ranking65 / 112Democracy Ranking2015–2016[37]
Corporate Governance20 / 38GMI Ratings2010
E-Government96 / 192UN2018[38]
Global Peace Index 136/163 Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) 2018


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
Military expenditure3 / 186Stockholm International Peace Research Institute2019 – $70.1bn or 2.24% of GDP[39]
Military strength4 / 20Credit Suisse2019
Active troops1 / 171International Institute for Strategic Studies1,395,100 active troops (1.1 active troops per 1000 capita)
Total troops2 / 171International Institute for Strategic Studies4,941,600 total troops (3.9 troops per 1000 capita)
Composite Index of National Capability3 / 193National power2003 – score 0.073444
Overseas bases5 / 104 overseas bases


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
Academy Award nominations – Foreign Language Film33 / 125Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences3 nominations, from 50 submissions
Nobel laureates24/ 76Nobel Prize8 Indian Citizens, at the time they were made a Nobel laureate: Mother Teresa (Peace), Amartya Sen (Economics), Kailash Satyarthi (Peace), two British Indian subjects: Rabindranath Tagore (Literature), and C. V. Raman (Physics), along with two Indian-born British subjects: Rudyard Kipling (Literature), Ronald Ross (Medicine), have received the honour. Recently Abhijit binayak banerjee (Economics).
Turing Award6/ 13Association for Computing MachineryIndian-American Raj Reddy, became the first person of Asian origin to receive the ACM Turing Award, in 1994, for his work in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
World Heritage Sites6 / 167World Heritage Committee38 sites


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Source Notes
Carbon dioxide emissions by country3 / 214United Nations Statistics Division2017[40]
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita145 / 214United Nations Statistics Division2009
Climate Change Performance Index 202010/57Germanwatch;

The new climate institute and climate action network

Environmental Performance Index177 / 180Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy2018
Environment Democracy Index20 / 70World Resources Institute[41]
Air Quality – average PM 2.5 concentration84 / 92WHO[42]2014 – 60.6 µg/m3[43]
Freshwater withdrawal1 / 170CIA World Factbook2008 – 645.84 km3/year
Irrigated land area2 / 221CIA World Factbook2012 – 667,000 km2
Global Climate Risk Index 2021 7th Germanwatch 2021


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries Notes
List of countries and outlying territories by total area73287364 km sq. km2 (3065128 km sq. excluding Disputed Jammu and Kashmir territory)

(1,222,559 sq mile) including land and water

Length of coastline18/1967,000 km coastline with 2.00 coast/area ratio (m/km sq). According to the Indian naval hydrographic charts, the mainland coastline consists of the following: 43% sandy beaches; 11% rocky shores, including cliffs; and 46% mudflats or marshy shores.

Agriculture, fisheries and livestock



Apple Production, output of 2,327,000 tons72018
Bananas Production, output of 30,808,000 tons12018
Bean Production(dry),output of 6,220,000 tons12018
Buffalo, milk output of 56,960,000 tons12019
Black Pepper, 19% of world output32019
Cauliflowers and Broccoli Production, output of 9,035,000 tons22018
Cardamom Production, output of 15 thousand metric tons22012
Cashew Apple Production, output of 613,000 metric tons22010
Chicken Population, output of 648,830,00052004
Chickpea Production, output of 5,970,000 tons12008
Coconut Production, output of 11,706,34332018
Coffee Production(green), output of 326,98282018
Cotton Production, output of 27.0 million bales22011
Cow Numbers, 281,700,000 cows12009
Fish Production, output of 6,318,887 tons (capture 3,481,136 & aquaculture 2,837,751)32005
Garlic Production, output of 1,721,000 tons22018
Ginger Production, output of 893,242 tons12018
Goat Numbers, 125,700,000 goats22008
Goat Milk Production, output of 4,000,000 metric tons12008
Goat Meat Production, output of 480,000 metric tons22008
Jute Production, output of 1,951,864 tons12018
Lemon & Lime Production, output of 3,148,000 tons12018
Lentil Production, output of 1,620,000 tons22018
Mango Production, output of 16,340,000 tons12011
Millet Production, output of 11,640,000 tons12018
Milk Production, output of 110,040,000 metric tons (cow milk 50.3 million metric tons)22018
Onion Production(dry), output of 22,071,000 metric tons22018
Orange Production, output of 8,367,000 tons32018
Peanut Production, output of 6.25 metric tons22009
Pineapple Production, output of 1,706,000 tons62018
Potato Production, output of 4,85,29,000 metric tons22018
Rice Production, output of 17,25,80,000 metric tons22018
Saffron Production, output of 2,300 kg32005
Sheep Stock, output of 65,000,00032008
Silk Production, output of 77,000,000 kg22005
Sorghum Production, output of 7,900,000 metric tons32008
Soybean Production, output of 13,786,000 tons52018
Sugarcane Production, output of 37,69,00,000 tons22018
Sweet Potato Production, output of 1,400,281 tons82018
Tea Production, output of 1,344,827 tons22018
Tomato Production, output of 19,377,000 tons22018
Wheat Production, output of 9,97,00,000 metric tons22018



List INDIA Ranking Source Notes
Hindu1st2011 Census of India[49]2011 – 966,257,353 (India: 79.80%, World: 95%)
Muslim2nd2011 Census of India2011 – 172,245,185 (India: 14.23%, World: 9.57%)[50]
Christian3rd2011 Census of India2011 – 27,819,588 (India: 2.30%, World: 1.16%)
Sikh1st2011 Census of India2011 – 20,833,116 (India: 1.72%, World: 90.02%)
Buddhist9th2011 Census of India2011 – 8,442,972 (India: 0.70%, World: 63%)
Jain1st2011 Census of India2011 – 4,451,753 (India: 0.37%, World: 64%)[51]
Zoroastrian1st2011 Census of India2001 – 69,000 (India: 0.006%, World: 50%)
Baháʼí Faith-2011 Census of India2011 – 4,572 (India: 0.0%, World: 0.0%)


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