List of regencies and cities of Indonesia
Regencies (kabupaten) and cities (kota) are the second-level administrative subdivision in Indonesia, immediately below the provinces, and above the districts. Regencies are roughly equivalent to American counties, although most cities in the United States are below the counties.[1] Following the implementation of decentralization beginning on 1 January 2001, regencies and city municipalities became the key administrative units responsible for providing most governmental services.[2] Each of regencies and cities has their own local government and legislative body.
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Subdivisions of Indonesia |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
(Full list; GDP; population) |
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Level 4 |
The difference between a regency and a city lies in demography, size, and economy. Generally, a regency comprises a rural area larger than a city, but also often includes various towns. A city usually has non-agricultural economic activities. A regency is headed by a regent (bupati), while a city is headed by a mayor (walikota). All regents, mayors, and members of legislatures are directly elected via elections to serve for a five-year term which can be renewed once. Each regency or city is divided further into districts more commonly known as kecamatan.
An administrative city (kota administrasi) or an administrative regency (kabupaten administrasi) is a subdivision of province without its own local legislatures (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah). The leader of administrative city or administrative regency is directly appointed by the governor. This type of city and regency in Indonesia is only found in Jakarta which consisted of five administrative cities and one administrative regency.
As of September 2019, there were 514 second-level administrative divisions (both kabupaten and kota) in Indonesia.[3] The list below groups regencies and cities in Indonesia by provinces. Each regency has an administrative centre, the regency seat.[4]
List of regencies and cities by province


North Sumatra
West Sumatra
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Batang Hari | Muara Bulian |
2 | Bungo | Bungo |
3 | Kerinci | Siulak |
4 | Merangin | Bangko |
5 | Muaro Jambi | Sengeti |
6 | Sarolangun | Sarolangun |
7 | East Tanjung Jabung | Muara Sabak |
8 | West Tanjung Jabung | Kuala Tungkal |
9 | Tebo | Tebo |
No | City | |
1 | Jambi | |
2 | Sungai Penuh |
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Central Bengkulu | Karang Tinggi |
2 | Kaur | Bintuhan |
3 | Kepahiang | Kepahiang |
4 | Lebong | Muara Aman |
5 | Muko-Muko | Muko-Muko |
6 | North Bengkulu | Argamakmur |
7 | Rejang Lebong | Curup |
8 | Seluma | Tais |
9 | South Bengkulu | Manna |
No | City | |
1 | Bengkulu |
South Sumatra
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Banyuasin | Pangkalan Balai |
2 | East Ogan Komering Ulu | Martapura |
3 | Empat Lawang | Tebing Tinggi |
4 | Lahat | Lahat |
5 | Muara Enim | Muara Enim |
6 | Musi Banyuasin | Sekayu |
7 | Musi Rawas | Muara Beliti Baru |
8 | North Musi Rawas | Rupit |
9 | Ogan Ilir | Indralaya |
10 | Ogan Komering Ilir | Kayuagung |
11 | Ogan Komering Ulu | Baturaja |
12 | Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir | Talang Ubi |
13 | South Ogan Komering Ulu | Muaradua |
No | City | |
1 | Lubuklinggau | |
2 | Pagar Alam | |
3 | Palembang | |
4 | Prabumulih |
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Central Lampung | Gunung Sugih |
2 | East Lampung | Sukadana |
3 | Mesuji | Mesuji |
4 | North Lampung | Kotabumi |
5 | Pesawaran | Gedong Tataan |
6 | Pringsewu | Pringsewu |
7 | South Lampung | Kalianda |
8 | Tanggamus | Kota Agung |
9 | Tulang Bawang | Menggala |
10 | Way Kanan | Blambangan Umpu |
11 | West Lampung | Liwa |
12 | West Pesisir | Krui |
13 | West Tulang Bawang | Panaragan Jaya |
No | City | |
1 | Bandar Lampung | |
2 | Metro |
Bangka Belitung Islands
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bangka | Sungai Liat |
2 | Belitung | Tanjung Pandan |
3 | Central Bangka | Koba |
4 | East Belitung | Manggar |
5 | South Bangka | Toboali |
6 | West Bangka | Mentok |
No | City | |
1 | Pangkalpinang |
Riau Islands
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Anambas Islands | Tarempa |
2 | Bintan | Bandar Seri Bentan |
3 | Karimun | Tanjung Balai Karimun |
4 | Lingga | Daik |
5 | Natuna | Ranai |
No | City | |
1 | Batam | |
2 | Tanjungpinang |
Special Capital Region of Jakarta
No | Administrative regency | Seat |
1 | Kepulauan Seribu | Pramuka Island |
No | Administrative city | |
1 | Central Jakarta | Menteng |
2 | East Jakarta | Jatinegara |
3 | North Jakarta | Koja |
4 | South Jakarta | Kebayoran Baru |
5 | West Jakarta | Kembangan |
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Lebak | Rangkasbitung |
2 | Pandeglang | Pandeglang |
3 | Serang | Ciruas |
4 | Tangerang | Tigaraksa |
No | City | |
1 | Cilegon | |
2 | Serang | |
3 | Tangerang | |
4 | South Tangerang | |
West Java

Central Java

No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Banjarnegara | Banjarnegara |
2 | Banyumas | Purwokerto |
3 | Batang | Batang |
4 | Blora | Blora |
5 | Boyolali | Boyolali |
6 | Brebes | Brebes |
7 | Cilacap | Cilacap |
8 | Demak | Demak |
9 | Grobogan | Purwodadi |
10 | Jepara | Jepara |
11 | Karanganyar | Karanganyar |
12 | Kebumen | Kebumen |
13 | Kendal | Kendal |
14 | Klaten | Klaten |
15 | Kudus | Kudus |
16 | Magelang | Mungkid |
17 | Pati | Pati |
18 | Pekalongan | Kajen |
19 | Pemalang | Pemalang |
20 | Purbalingga | Purbalingga |
21 | Purworejo | Purworejo |
22 | Rembang | Rembang |
23 | Semarang | Ungaran |
24 | Sragen | Sragen |
25 | Sukoharjo | Sukoharjo |
26 | Tegal | Slawi |
27 | Temanggung | Temanggung |
28 | Wonogiri | Wonogiri |
29 | Wonosobo | Wonosobo |
No | City | |
1 | Magelang | |
2 | Surakarta | |
3 | Salatiga | |
4 | Semarang | |
5 | Pekalongan | |
6 | Tegal |
East Java

No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bangkalan | Bangkalan |
2 | Banyuwangi | Banyuwangi |
3 | Blitar | Wlingi |
4 | Bojonegoro | Bojonegoro |
5 | Bondowoso | Bondowoso |
6 | Gresik | Gresik |
7 | Jember | Jember |
8 | Jombang | Jombang |
9 | Kediri | Pare |
10 | Lamongan | Lamongan |
11 | Lumajang | Lumajang |
12 | Madiun | Mejayan |
13 | Magetan | Magetan |
14 | Malang | Kepanjen |
15 | Mojokerto | Mojosari |
16 | Nganjuk | Nganjuk |
17 | Ngawi | Ngawi |
18 | Pacitan | Pacitan |
19 | Pamekasan | Pamekasan |
20 | Pasuruan | Bangil |
21 | Ponorogo | Ponorogo |
22 | Probolinggo | Kraksaan |
23 | Sampang | Sampang |
24 | Sidoarjo | Sidoarjo |
25 | Situbondo | Situbondo |
26 | Sumenep | Sumenep |
27 | Trenggalek | Trenggalek |
28 | Tuban | Tuban |
29 | Tulungagung | Tulungagung |
No | City | |
1 | Batu | |
2 | Blitar | |
3 | Kediri | |
4 | Madiun | |
5 | Malang | |
6 | Mojokerto | |
7 | Pasuruan | |
8 | Probolinggo | |
9 | Surabaya |
Special Region of Yogyakarta
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bantul | Bantul |
2 | Gunung Kidul | Wonosari |
3 | Kulon Progo | Wates |
4 | Sleman | Sleman |
No | City | |
1 | Yogyakarta |
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Badung | Mangupura |
2 | Bangli | Bangli |
3 | Buleleng | Singaraja |
4 | Gianyar | Gianyar |
5 | Jembrana | Negara |
6 | Karangasem | Amlapura |
7 | Klungkung | Semarapura |
8 | Tabanan | Tabanan |
No | City | |
1 | Denpasar |
West Nusa Tenggara
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bima | Woha |
2 | Central Lombok | Praya |
3 | Dompu | Dompu |
4 | East Lombok | Selong |
5 | North Lombok | Tanjung |
6 | Sumbawa | Sumbawa Besar |
7 | West Lombok | Gerung |
8 | West Sumbawa | Taliwang |
No | City | |
1 | Mataram | |
2 | Bima |
East Nusa Tenggara
West Kalimantan
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bengkayang | Bengkayang |
2 | Kapuas Hulu | Putussibau |
3 | North Kayong | Sukadana |
4 | Ketapang | Ketapang |
5 | Kubu Raya | Sungai Raya |
6 | Landak | Ngabang |
7 | Melawi | Nanga Pinoh |
8 | Mempawah | Mempawah |
9 | Sambas | Sambas |
10 | Sanggau | Sanggau |
11 | Sekadau | Sekadau |
12 | Sintang | Sintang |
No | City | |
1 | Pontianak | |
2 | Singkawang |
South Kalimantan
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Balangan | Paringin |
2 | Banjar | Martapura |
3 | Barito Kuala | Marabahan |
4 | Central Hulu Sungai | Barabai |
5 | Kotabaru | Kotabaru |
6 | North Hulu Sungai | Amuntai |
7 | South Hulu Sungai | Kandangan |
8 | Tabalong | Tanjung |
9 | Tanah Laut | Pelaihari |
10 | Tanah Bumbu | Batulicin |
11 | Tapin | Rantau |
No | City | |
1 | Banjarmasin | |
2 | Banjarbaru |
Central Kalimantan
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | East Barito | Tamiang |
2 | East Kotawaringin | Sampit |
3 | Gunung Mas | Kuala Kurun |
4 | Kapuas | Selat |
5 | Katingan | Kasongan |
6 | Lamandau | Nanga Bulik |
7 | Murung Raya | Puruk Cahu |
8 | North Barito | Muarateweh |
9 | Pulang Pisau | Pulang Pisau |
10 | Sukamara | Sukamara |
11 | Seruyan | Kuala Pembuang |
12 | South Barito | Buntok |
13 | West Kotawaringin | Pangkalan Bun |
No | City | |
1 | Palangka Raya |
East Kalimantan
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Berau | Tanjung Redeb |
2 | East Kutai | Sangatta |
3 | Kutai Kartanegara | Tenggarong |
4 | Mahakam Ulu | Ujoh Bilang |
5 | Paser | Tanah Grogot |
6 | Penajam North Paser | Penajam |
7 | West Kutai | Sendawar |
No | City | |
1 | Balikpapan | |
2 | Bontang | |
3 | Samarinda |
North Kalimantan
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bulungan | Tanjung Selor |
2 | Malinau | Malinau |
3 | Nunukan | Nunukan |
4 | Tana Tidung | Tideng Pale |
No | City | |
1 | Tarakan |
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Boalemo | Tilamuta |
2 | Bone Bolango | Suwawa |
3 | Gorontalo | Limboto |
4 | North Gorontalo | Kwandang |
5 | Pahuwato | Marisa |
No | City | |
1 | Gorontalo |
South Sulawesi
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bantaeng | Bantaeng |
2 | Barru | Barru |
3 | Bone | Watampone |
4 | Bulukumba | Bulukumba |
5 | East Luwu | Malili |
6 | Enrekang | Enrekang |
7 | Gowa | Sungguminasa |
8 | Jeneponto | Bontosunggu |
9 | Luwu | Belopa |
10 | North Luwu | Masamba |
11 | North Toraja | Rantepao |
12 | Maros | Maros |
13 | Pangkajene Islands | Pangkajene |
14 | Pinrang | Pinrang |
15 | Selayar Islands | Benteng |
16 | Sinjai | Sinjai |
17 | Sidenreng Rappang | Sidenreng |
18 | Soppeng | Watan Soppeng |
19 | Takalar | Takalar |
20 | Tana Toraja | Makale |
21 | Wajo | Sengkang |
No | City | |
1 | Makassar | |
2 | Palopo | |
3 | Parepare |
West Sulawesi
No | Regency | Seat |
1. | Central Mamuju | Tobadak |
2. | Majene | Majene |
3. | Mamasa | Mamasa |
4. | Mamuju | Mamuju |
5. | Pasangkayu | Pasangkayu |
6. | Polewali Mandar | Polewali |
Southeast Sulawesi
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bombana | Rumbia |
2 | Buton | Pasar Wajo |
3 | Central Buton | Labungkari |
4 | East Kolaka | Tirawuta |
5 | Kolaka | Kolaka |
6 | Konawe | Unaaha |
7 | Konawe Islands | Langara |
8 | Muna | Raha |
9 | North Buton | Burangga |
10 | North Kolaka | Lasusua |
11 | North Konawe | Wanggudu |
12 | South Buton | Batauga |
13 | South Konawe | Andolo |
14 | Wakatobi | Wangi-Wangi |
15 | West Muna | Laworo |
No | City | |
1 | Baubau | |
2 | Kendari |
Central Sulawesi
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Banggai | Luwuk |
2 | Banggai Islands | Salakan |
3 | Banggai Laut | Banggai |
4 | Buol | Buol |
5 | Donggala | Donggala |
6 | Morowali | Bungku |
6 | North Morowali | Kolonodale |
8 | Parigi Moutong | Parigi |
9 | Poso | Poso |
10 | Sigi | Sigi Biromaru |
11 | Tojo Una-Una | Ampana |
12 | Tolitoli | Tolitoli |
No | City | |
1 | Palu |
North Sulawesi
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Bolaang Mongondow | Lolak |
2 | East Bolaang Mongondow | Tutuyan |
3 | Minahasa | Tondano |
4 | North Bolaang Mongondow | Boroko |
5 | North Minahasa | Airmadidi |
6 | Sangihe Islands | Tahuna |
7 | Sitaro Islands | Ondong |
8 | South Bolaang Mongondow | Boolang Uki |
9 | South Minahasa | Amurang |
10 | Southeast Minahasa | Ratahan |
11 | Talaud Islands | Melonguane |
No | City | |
1 | Bitung | |
2 | Kotamobagu | |
3 | Manado | |
4 | Tomohon |
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Aru Islands | Dobo |
2 | Buru | Namlea |
3 | Central Maluku | Masohi |
4 | Eastern Seram | Bula |
5 | South Buru | Namrole |
6 | Southeast Maluku | Langgur |
7 | Southwest Maluku | Tiakur |
8 | Tanimbar Islands | Saumlaki |
9 | Western Seram | Piru |
No | City | |
1 | Ambon | |
2 | Tual |
North Maluku
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Central Halmahera | Weda |
2 | East Halmahera | Maba |
3 | Morotai Island | Daruba |
4 | North Halmahera | Tobelo |
5 | South Halmahera | Labuha |
6 | Sula Islands | Sanana |
7 | Taliabu Island | Bobong |
8 | West Halmahera | Jailolo |
No | City | |
1 | Ternate | |
2 | Tidore |
Special Region of West Papua
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Fak-Fak | Fak-Fak |
2 | Kaimana | Kaimana |
3 | Manokwari | Manokwari |
4 | Maybrat | Kumurkek |
5 | Raja Ampat | Waisai |
6 | Pegunungan Arfak (Arfak Mountains) | Anggi |
7 | Sorong | Aimas * |
8 | South Manokwari | Ransiki |
9 | South Sorong | Teminabuan |
10 | Tambrauw | Fef |
11 | Teluk Bintuni | Bintuni |
12 | Teluk Wondama | Rasiei |
No | City | |
1 | Sorong |
Special Region of Papua
No | Regency | Seat |
1 | Asmat | Agats |
2 | Biak Numfor | Biak |
3 | Boven Digoel | Tanahmerah |
4 | Central Mamberamo | Kobakma |
5 | Deiyai | Tigi |
6 | Dogiyai | Kigamani |
7 | Intan Jaya | Sugapa |
8 | Jayapura | Sentani |
9 | Jayawijaya | Wamena |
10 | Keerom | Waris |
11 | Lanny Jaya | Tiom |
12 | Mamberamo Raya | Burmeso |
13 | Mappi | Kepi |
14 | Merauke | Merauke |
15 | Mimika | Timika |
16 | Nabire | Nabire |
17 | Nduga | Kenyam |
18 | Paniai | Enarotali |
19 | Pegunungan Bintang | Oksibil |
20 | Puncak | Ilaga |
21 | Puncak Jaya | Kota Mulia |
22 | Sarmi | Sarmi |
23 | Supiori | Sorendiweri |
24 | Tolikara | Karubaga |
25 | Waropen | Botawa |
26 | Yahukimo | Sumohai |
27 | Yalimo | Elelim |
28 | Yapen Islands | Serui |
No | City | |
1 | Jayapura |
Proposed new regencies
On 25 October 2013 the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) began reviewing draft laws on the establishment of 57 prospective regencies/cities (and 8 new provinces),[5] as set out below:
"With these new regions, it is hoped that we can shorten the line of governance, improve land and security aspects, and no less important, support historical and cultural [institutions]," House Speaker Marzuki Alie said.
The agreement will be forwarded on for government approval. Marzuki said that the new regions, especially in areas bordering other nations, will be able to support more development so that border areas develop faster and become less vulnerable to the territorial claims of other countries.
Under the new package, eight new provinces will join Indonesia's current 34; three of the new provinces are in Papua and West Papua. The new provinces are Sumbawa, South Papua, Central Papua, Southwest Papua, Tapanuli, Nias Island, Kapuas Raya, Bolaang Mongondow Raya, Kotawaringin, Tanjungpura, and North Lampung.
The seventeen newly created regencies in Papua Province will comprise the regencies of Gili Menawa, Moyo, Balin Senter, Bogogha, Puncak Trikora, Muara Digul, Admi Korbay, Katengban, Okika, Northwest Yapen, East Yapen, Numfor Island, Yalimek, Mambera Hulu, Southwest Yahukimo, East Yahukimo and Gondumisisare; in addition there will be two new municipalities of Merauke and Lembah Baliem (Baliem Valley). The nine newly created regencies in West Papua will comprise the regencies of Malamoy and Maibratsau (both taken from Sorong Regency), North Raja Ampat and South Raja Ampat (both from Raja Ampat Regency), Raja Maskona (from Teluk Bintuni Regency), Okas and Fakfak (from Fakfak Regency), West Manokwari (from Manokwari Regency) and Imeo (from South Sorong Regency), while Manokwari will become a new independent city (from Manokwari Regency).
The other new regencies will comprise: Simalungun Hataran (created from Simalungun Regency) and Pantai Barat Mandailing (from Mandailing Natal Regency) in North Sumatra, Kundur Island (from Karimun Regency) in Riau Kepulauan, Renah Indojati (from South Pesisir Regency) in West Sumatra, the Muaro Bungo municipality (from Bungo Regency) in Jambi, the Lembak Regency (from Rejang Lebong Regency) in Bengkulu and the regencies of Bigi Maria (from Lahat Regency) and Pantai Timur (from Ogan Ilir Regency) in South Sumatra.
Additionally, three new regencies will be created in West Java: South Garut, or Garut Selatan (created from Garut Regency), North Sukabumi, or Sukabumi Utara (from Sukabumi Regency) and West Bogor, or Bogor Barat (from Bogor Regency).
Kalimantan will see four new regencies: Sekayam Raya Regency and Tayan Regency (created from Sanggau Regency), Banua Banjak Regency and Sentarum Regency (from Kapuas Hulu Regency) in West Kalimantan, and South Berau Pesisir (from Berau Regency) and South Paser (from Paser Regency) and North Kutai Regency (from East Kutai Regency) in East Kalimantan.
Sulawesi will see four as well: South Talaud, or Talaud Selatan (created from Talaud Islands Regency) in North Sulawesi, South Bone, or Bone Selatan (from Bone Regency) in South Sulawesi, and Bolio Huto, Panipi (from Gorontalo Regency) and West Gorontalo (from Pohuwato Regency) in Gorontalo; and two new municipalities: Tahuna (from Sangihe Islands Regency) and Langowan (from Minahasa Regency), both located in North Sulawesi.
Other new regencies will include South Lombok (created from East Lombok Regency) on Lombok island, the regency of Adonara (from East Flores Regency) and the Municipality of Maumere (from Sikka Regency) on Flores island, and the regencies of Wasile (from East Halmahera Regency) and Obi Islands (from South Halmahera Regency) in North Maluku.
Later in the same week, the House, at its last plenary meeting of 2013, approved the creation of a further seven new regencies - Mahakam Ulu (in East Kalimantan), Malaka (in East Nusa Tenggara), Central Mamuju (in West Sulawesi), Banggai Laut (in Central Sulawesi), Taliabu Island (in North Maluku), Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir (in South Sumatra) and East Kolaka (in Southeast Sulawesi).[5]
- Turner, Mark; Owen Podger; Maria S. Sumardjono; Wayan K. Tirthayasa (2003). Decentralisation in Indonesia: redesigning the state. Australian National University. Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government. ISBN 0-7315-3697-5.
- Indonesia - The World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency, 2013
- Kode Pos Indonesia
- "Profil Daerah (Regional profiles)". Indonesian Ministry of Interior.
- Jakarta Post, 14 November 2013